Quotes in 20 min
No commitment

What type of chef service do you need?

Define your event to see chefs, menus and prices. This will take less than 2 minutes!

Whereโ€™s the event?

What's the occasion?

This helps our chefs set the perfect tone and vibe for your event.

At what time?

Any food restrictions?

If you need to check it with your guests, no problem. You can inform your chef later.

Not sure? You can change it later! ๐Ÿ˜‰

What are you craving?

If you need more inspiration, try the Chef's Special.


Not sure? You can change it later! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Date range

For how many guests?

The chefโ€™s fee is fixed, so the price per person varies with group size.

Not sure? You can change it later! ๐Ÿ˜‰

What's your budget for this experience?

Prices vary according to the chef's expertise and menu complexity. Pick the one that fits you best!

What's your budget for this experience?

* Chef's fee for services between and for a total of meals.

** This price does not include the cost of groceries, which should be paid directly to the chef on-site. Receipts will be presented on a daily basis.

*** Each meal starting at per person.

Select all that apply

With this info, our chefs will craft customized menus tailored to your needs.

Finally, describe your event to our chefs

Share details about the occasion, vibe, ideal menu, and any other key information so they can make it perfect.

We want to schedule my services for...

Uncheck the meals you don't need. Swipe down the calendar to see all the dates. ๐Ÿ˜‰

We are...

Over 16 years of age
12 - 15 years of age
2 - 11 years of age

Thatโ€™s it!

Now, just add your contact info, and weโ€™ll send you personalized menu proposals for free in less than 20 minutes.

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By sending this form, you agree to our Terms and acknowledge the Global Privacy Statement.

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