Chef Ruben Roberto Fiore

Chef A Domicilio A Nápoles
Chef Ruben Roberto Fiore

Conoscimi meglio

I'm Ruben, 42 years old. Italian chef from Naples. Passionate about Mediterranean cuisine. Modern cooking techniques, nutritionally balanced dishes.

Chef with Michelin experience in San Marco restaurant in Canelli (at), Piedmont .

Chef restaurant tavernetta 58 in Sorrento (Naples)

You can search for information about me on Google: Ruben Roberto Fiore.

If you make your job your passion, you wouldn't work a single day in your life. You can show love through cooking

Foto di Ruben Roberto Fiore

Di più su di me

Per me la cucina è....

Lifestyle, passione , love

Ho imparato a cucinare a...

They are constantly updated. Curiosity is the success of my cooking

Un segreto in cucina...

Cooking with love and passion

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