Chef a domicilio Antonio Di Padova - Take a Chef

Chef Antonio Di Padova

Chef Pessoal A Siena
Chef Antonio Di Padova

Conoscimi meglio

L' arte di saper cucinare.... un divertimento

executive chef, food and beverage manager with over ten years of experience in Italy and abroad. I started in the pastry shop, becoming executive pastry chef of prestigious fine dining and Michelin-starred establishments. Over the years I have been lucky enough to work with great chefs on an international level, experimenting with new cooking techniques, then becoming first an executive chef consultant for many structures and then a home chef for prestigious international clients.

My cuisine ranges from tradition to innovation. The study of international cuisines and flavors attracts me a lot, which is why I am always looking for ingredients that are fundamental to the success of the dish.

Currently, my services are available throughout the country, all thanks to my agency that recruits cooks and formals throughout Italy.

chef Antonio di padova, whose background as a pastry chef is reflected in the particular attention to detail and the search for balance within the dishes I create. The choice of products is fundamental and favors locally sourced raw materials, from which fresh products are selected based on seasonality.

The priority is to enhance all foods, favoring long cooking at low temperatures, techniques that allow the nutritional properties and organoleptic qualities of foods to be kept unaltered, obtaining a tender and succulent final product and emphasizing the flavors thanks to the addition of aromas natural

Foto di Antonio Di Padova

Di più su di me

Per me la cucina è....

cooking for me is not a job, but a passion that I pass on to my customers every day.

Ho imparato a cucinare a...

attracted to cooking since I was a child, I began my career as a pastry chef, and soon after became a chef working in starred restaurants, ultra-luxur

Un segreto in cucina...

a secret for good cooking and study, always taking inspiration from tradition, because through it we can learn the true culinary secrets.

I miei menu

Opinioni su Antonio

48 servizi

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