Chef Virgile Escalant

Chef Personnel À Espéraza
Chef Virgile Escalant

Mieux me connaître

Insta : virgile health -Vegan Divine Raw Chef & Artist with superfoods. Fruit Master, raw Criollo cacao maker. I love to share the goodness of Nature

I lived in Paris and enjoyed the yogic, artistic, and vegan culture there, as well as the international high vibe. I was part of the excellent Paris Perfect team and we welcomed thousands of discerning customers.

I moved to the South in 2020 and opened a raw-vegan juice bar. Then, it became a vegan Superfood shop where I sold my homemade raw cacao bars and desserts.

My very nutritive and beautiful products started to be used for yoga retreats and therapy retreats, and little by little, I too joined the retreats as a provider and a super healthy and tasty chef.

Photo de Virgile Escalant

En savoir plus sur moi

Pour moi, cuisiner est...

Celebrating senses, abundance and enjoying. Selecting beautiful ingredients.

J'ai appris à cuisiner à...

Since i am 18, i always cooked for myself and enjoyed foods in Paris and during all my travellings. I learned from tasting, with books, with doing.

Mon secret dans la cuisine est...

I use superfoods, i kept my Parisian suppliers for high quality seasonnings and spices. i recognize the energy of ingrdients and use them fresh.

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  3. Virgile Escalant
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