Chef Mickaël Chary

Chef à Domicile À Le Havre
Chef Mickaël Chary

Mieux me connaître

Always passionate about the arts and culture of the French table, qualified, loves to share and please.

certified chef for 20 years, in the best Brasserie of my town in north Normandy in the beginning and a very good restaurant gastronomique after 3 years of expérience in the soutenance.

Still working as an extra event manager with major Parisian chefs and caterers since 12 years,i can work in restaurant vip of rolland garros or in the second floor odnf eiffel tower but i can keep more pleasure with you everywhere

delight your taste buds with the freshness and qualities of our normandie or everywhere i am already looking forward to

Photo de Mickaël Chary

En savoir plus sur moi

Pour moi, cuisiner est...

Is just my life...since i was a little boy... It's just a smell that takes you on a journey

J'ai appris à cuisiner à...

At lycée hôtelier Jules lecesne le havre for two years and twobyears au Touquet I learn to cook from my grandMa from Gênoa in my childhood

Mon secret dans la cuisine est...

simple love of products and producers, respect for traditions

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  1. Take a Chef
  2. Chefs en France
  3. Mickaël Chary
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