Chef Julien Briche

Chef Privé À Boulogne-Sur-Mer
Chef Julien Briche

Mieux me connaître

French passionnate chef dedicated to his work

Enthusiastic approach to challenge, ambitious and hardworking chef who is striving to build a career in the culinary world. My cuisine is a reflection of my life and travels, classical and progressive French cuisine with a Mediterranean, Middle east influence and also a passion of Asian fusion and healthy conscious food. Strong sense of respect and integrity as well as respect and interest for others. My competences include self-confidence, willingness to learn and feeling comfortable with coordinating change. Strong customer service skills and the ability to operate with a high level clients.

Photo de Julien Briche

En savoir plus sur moi

Pour moi, cuisiner est...

an art . an unlimited inspiration .

J'ai appris à cuisiner à...

My first teacher is my mum , my mentor is Tony Lestienne , Michelin star chef . My background is the result of my working places around the world .

Mon secret dans la cuisine est...

To be attentive to the client request , efficient adaptivity in selecting the most amazing products on the market and create the best memories .

Mes menus

Avis sur Julien

9 services

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  1. Take a Chef
  2. Chefs en France
  3. Julien Briche
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