Chef à domicile Jean-Baptiste Rousselot - Take a Chef

Chef Jean-Baptiste Rousselot

Chef Privé À Épinal
Chef Jean-Baptiste Rousselot

Mieux me connaître

Passionate about food

Born in France in 1995 , I grew up in a family of chefs and bakers . I went to culinary school in France, where I studied for 4 years and did a few interships in different parts of France in Michelin Star restaurants.

Since I gratuated I've been working in Australia and New-Zealand for the past 4 years

I am capable of creating many different types of dishes and menus.

Photo de Jean-Baptiste Rousselot

En savoir plus sur moi

Pour moi, cuisiner est...

Sociable and inspiring

J'ai appris à cuisiner à...

At a culinary school in France

Mon secret dans la cuisine est...

organisation and routine

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  1. Take a Chef
  2. Chefs en France
  3. Jean-Baptiste Rousselot
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