Chef Francesco Alario

Chef Privé À Saint-Tropez
Chef Francesco Alario

Mieux me connaître


At 16, I began my journey as a butcher in a small village near Bologna, working for a prominent family of butchers. After two years, I took the leap to start my own business. Together with my family, we established a small chain of markets specializing in handmade products, gourmet items, fresh produce, charcuterie, and cheeses sourced from various regions across Italy.

In 2013, I enrolled at Alma, the renowned Italian culinary school, to further my knowledge of food and hospitality. Following my education, I worked in Bologna before venturing to London for two years. During my time in London, I had the invaluable opportunity to work with Michelin-starred chefs. It was an enriching experience that allowed me to grow as a chef.

Subsequently, I returned to Bologna for an internship with a Michelin-starred chef before finding myself in Saint-Tropez, where I worked at one of the region's most esteemed establishments.

Now, I'm enthusiastic about sharing my wealth of experience and creativity in the vibrant setting of Saint-Tropez, focusing solely on bringing my culinary expertise to this beautiful place.

Photo de Francesco Alario

En savoir plus sur moi

Pour moi, cuisiner est...

"Cooking is my way of sharing stories, passing down traditions, and creating memorable moments for everyone."

J'ai appris à cuisiner à...

"I have learned a great deal in this profession during my experiences abroad, especially in London, working with internationally renowned chefs."

Mon secret dans la cuisine est...

Discipline et passion make good food.

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  2. Chefs en France
  3. Francesco Alario
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