Chef Pedro Masoliver
Chef A Domicilio En Panamá
Tengo 36 años de experiencia en diferentes cocinas.
Nací en el Mediterráneo
Culinariamnete me inicie en La Odisea de Barcelona.
De ahí pase por Can Bosch en Cambrils donde aprendi todo lo concerniente al trato de pescados y mariscos ademas de arroces y paellas.
Bini Aran en Arites fue mi estreno como chef , luego Bini Ali en Menorca , Jagaro en Mao, La mallola,, Cafe de la República y salte el océano para enrolarme como jefe de partida en el Dorado Petit New York y de ahi a Panama( octubre de 1991) hasta la actualidad.
Desde ese entonces me he dedicado a cocinar comida estilo español con ingredientes panameños y españoles
Me gusta hacer felices a mis comensales con toda clase de platos .
Me encanta improvisar con ingredientes que encuentro en cada sitio que visito.
Soy bastante generoso en porciones y en cantidad de variedades de platos.
El sabor es lo mas importante para mi.
Me encanta cocinar al aire libre ya sea en barbacoa o en fogones de leña o carbón, la caja china también me gusta.
Chef Pedro Masoliver - Bio
Born in Barcelona in the mid-sixties, Chef Pedro Masoliver embarked on his culinary career in 1984 with Master Chef Antonio Ferrer, known as the Poet of Spanish Cuisine, also alternating at the stove in 1985 with Super Chef Antonio Bosch at Cambrils Can Bosch. Chef Masoliver spent the 1986 winter and summer seasons in the Balearic Islands on Menorca´s Arties in Bini Aran and Bini Ali, starting that very winter with Jagaro as Head Chef cooking with Super Chef Jaume Garriga. Masoliver also shared duties with Chef Extraordinaire Paul Vinay at La Mallola, subsequently working at Barcelona’s Café de la República prior to his joining as of its opening in 1991 and throughout a year New York City´s renowned El Dorado Petit on Manhattan´s West 55th Street, arriving in Panama, on a contract, in late 1991.In that restaurant he worked as colleague with Jose Andres for almost a Year, Jose Andres was at the meat section and Pedro was at the fish and seafood section.
Chef Masoliver was Manager and Executive Chef of his own Café Balear until its sale, becoming hired in 1995 as Professor of Culinary Arts at and Consultant for GTZ International Service to implement the Dual System Gastronomy Program at INAFORP, Panama´s National Vocational Training Institute. As consultant, Chef Masoliver was instrumental in outfitting the ARAP´s (Panama restaurant associatio) Training Center kitchen and assisted in tailoring INAFORP´s cooking workshops to gastronomy education. Upon the end of his contract, Chef Masoliver remained another year as Dual Program Consultant.
From 1997 thru 1999, Chef Masoliver taught different subjects at the Inter-American University of Panama and contributed to designing and outfitting the kitchen and gastronomy classrooms at Le Cordon Bleu.
Thereafter, Chef Masoliver opened his Can Masoliver and then proceeded on a work trip to the United States where he performed at two restaurants owned and managed by the internationally renowned Greek chain known as Grace Hotels, subsequently becoming manager of Panama City´s Fina Estampa, well-known for its cuisine from Spain and Peru. Then soon, Masoliver became Executive Chef at Wyndham´s Venetto Hotel in the heart of Panama City.
Chef Masoliver assisted as Consultant in masterminding and equipping Panama City´s Hotel Grace´s kitchen, then holding the position of Executive Chef at Panama City´s Grace Hotel till late 2015 when he joined his own Jaleo Restaurant as chef and minority partner. As of September 2016, Jaleo became the current Café Balear where Chef Masoliver currently holds the position of Executive Head Chef as well as corporate stock.
In these two recent years Chef Masoliver has assisted in designing and outfitting several professional and industrial kitchens in different Panamanian hinterland cities.
Chef Masoliver is revered as one of Panama´s top chefs, and he is a juror on Panamanian Television´s Top Chef Panama, one of the highest rated TV shows of this prosperous and booming Central American nation.
Last but far from least, Chef Pedro Masoliver has his own You Tube Channel where he portrays top easy-to-understand recipes for his wide and loyal audience.

Más sobre mí
Para mi la cocina es...
Lo mas importante después de la familia .
Aprendí a cocinar en...
Mi abuela y mi madre me enseñaron a transmitir el amor a lo que uno cocina y de ellas herede esa pasión .
Un secreto...
la materia prima debe prevalecer sobre todo.
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