Chef a domicilio Fernando Peñaloza - Take a Chef

Chef Fernando Peñaloza

Chef Privado En Mexico City
Chef Fernando Peñaloza

Conóceme mejor

passionate and in love with what I do.

I am a chef who loves what he does, I have university studies and a gastronomy technician, I have been practicing this profession for just over 20 years, working in important places in Mexico and abroad such as Spain, Colombia, Italy. specialized in pre-Hispanic and Italian gastronomy, but with knowledge of international cuisine such as French, Spanish, Oriental, bakery, Lebanese pastries, etc. I am the founder of Chef Consulting Solutions, we organize company lunches and transform any event into a unique event. experience. Listed as one of the best chefs creating home cooking experiences in the North Country, now I would like you to let me pamper you and worry only about enjoying a delicious experience.

Foto de Fernando Peñaloza

Más sobre mí

Para mi la cocina es...

It is my way of life, it is my lifestyle, it is my passion and I have always said that I am not perfect but every dish I make is.

Aprendí a cocinar en...

Life and my mother taught me how to cook, but the restaurant kitchens and the university perfected me.

Un secreto...

There is no secret, I share everything I do. If there were a secret, cooking would not evolve, you just have to live it and feel it.

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  1. Take a Chef
  2. Chefs en México
  3. Fernando Peñaloza
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