Chef a domicilio Ray Perez - Take a Chef

Chef Ray Perez

Chef A Domicilio En Medellín
Chef Ray Perez

Conóceme mejor

Cooking is a language through which you can express harmony, happiness, beauty, poetry, complexity, magic, humor, provocation, culture.

Executive chef, gastronomic, creative, administrative advisor with more than 10 years of experience in the gastronomic world, and with studies carried out at the Ciboullette School of Haute Cuisine, advanced cooking studies at the ESAH Seville Spain, with knowledge in international gastronomy, (Italian , Spanish, Lebanese, Nikei, French, Turkish, Greek, Latin, Thai, Indian) and avant-garde cuisine, author (creative) cuisine, specialist in gastronomic marketing, and had the opportunity to run large restaurants both in Colombia and in Spain, (Palau del baró, and Tabularium) Catalonia Spain. creator of gastronomic content, through social networks, such as Instagram @chefrayperez and you tube.

Foto de Ray Perez

Más sobre mí

Para mi la cocina es...

Cooking is the pleasure of serving and being able to make diners happy with my art, providing wonderful service, and providing memorable experiences.

Aprendí a cocinar en...

With my grandfather, in his house since he was a great cook and then I made the best decision, which was to study gastronomy.

Un secreto...

Cooking is Infinite, you never stop learning, there are always new techniques and techniques that force you to always be at the forefront.

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