Chef a domicilio Flavio Paul Iturrizaga - Take a Chef

Chef Flavio Paul Iturrizaga

Chef A Domicilio En Medellín
Chef Flavio Paul Iturrizaga

Conóceme mejor

Because your best moments deserve the best service

I am a Peruvian Chef residing in Medellin, I have loved cooking since I was little and I specialized in Peru, at the Columbia haute cuisine school, I have more than 10 years of experience in attending events in Peru and Cooombia, my specialty is Peruvian food, in addition to preparing Colombian dishes, international dishes, roasts and much more.

Foto de Flavio Paul Iturrizaga

Más sobre mí

Para mi la cocina es...

Cooking is my passion, my favorite place is the kitchen and I always give 200% of myself to delight the palate of my clients.

Aprendí a cocinar en...

I learned to cook from a young age with my mother's recipes and then I specialized at the Columbia cooking school in Peru.

Un secreto...

Cooking with heart, loving cooking and knowing how to choose the best ingredients

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  1. Take a Chef
  2. Chefs en Colombia
  3. Flavio Paul Iturrizaga
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