Chef a domicilio Alejandro Echavarria - Take a Chef

Chef Alejandro Echavarria

Chef A Domicilio En Medellín
Chef Alejandro Echavarria

Conóceme mejor

I am a passionate chef, my greatest strength is BBQ and smoked foods, always learning new things from everyone I meet. I am venturing into take a che

I am a professional gourmet graduated from the Antioquia College, I have more than 7 years of experience in the world of personalized services, my passion is the heat of barbecues and smoked foods, with a wide variety of preparations so that your dinner is different from the rest. open buffet style or American style

Foto de Alejandro Echavarria

Más sobre mí

Para mi la cocina es...

the way by which we express our feelings

Aprendí a cocinar en...

I learned since I was a child in the kitchen with my father's recipes, then with my grandmother and now from everyone I can.

Un secreto...

The trick is imagination, creativity makes you try new things and everything is a learning and an experience.

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  1. Take a Chef
  2. Chefs en Colombia
  3. Alejandro Echavarria
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