Chef Luqmahn Cloete

Chef At Home In Cape Town
Chef Luqmahn Cloete

Get to know me better

I am a passionate Chef and I enjoy seeing people enjoying themselves and having a good time. With food, we are given the opportunity to change lives.

Growing up, my grandmother had a food truck and as kids, we frequented the food truck to help or stuff our faces.

I am a Professional Chef with 10 years experience. I've worked at Emily's Bistro in Kloof Street, Cape Town, when I initially started my training. I moved to The Vineyard Hotel to complete my training and then moved to McGregor to head up a restaurant called Ragazzi Osteria and Tebaldis at Temenos.

I have recently moved back to Cape Town and would like to continue serving delicious food that bring laughter and smiles to strange faces.

Photo from Luqmahn Cloete

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is life. It can solve some of the problems we face everyday. A good meal can change our mood and set the tone for the rest of day.

I learned to cook at...

I was an Intern at The Vineyard Hotel, as an intern, we worked fulltime and went to theory classes once a week at South African Chefs Academy.

A cooking secret...

Keep a cool head. Stress creates more stress. That shows in the food we serve. Food needs love and I try to put all my spirit into my cooking.

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