Chef Tyrell Furtado

Chef At Home In San Diego
Chef Tyrell Furtado

Get to know me better

Cooking is my life and I always try to make each dish a story to tell!

I have been in the culinary scene for over 12 years. I'm very experienced with many different ingredients. I have a Portuguese background so growing up I was never shy to test flavors. My first job was in a Japanese restaurant that opened the door for me to learn about asian cuisine that really started my culinary path.

Photo from Tyrell Furtado

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is what brings me joy. What helps me with everyday stress as I go into my zone and create.

I learned to cook at...

I learned from my mother and from there each job I worked I learned something new and now I just self teach and continue to grow.

A cooking secret...

Getting into my zone. Can't create delicious food if you don't put your heart into it.

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