Chef Tatiana Aicardi

Personal Chef In Miami
Chef Tatiana Aicardi

Get to know me better

deep-rooted love for food and an unwavering commitment to excellence,

With a solid foundation in the culinary arts and years of experience in the industry, as a Chef, I bring a wealth of expertise to the table. My journey began at a young age, where I discovered my passion for cooking and embarked on a lifelong commitment to perfecting my craft. Having honed in my skills in renowned kitchens and trained under prestigious chefs, I have acquired a diverse range of culinary techniques and a profound understanding of flavors from various cultures. My repertoire includes both classical and contemporary styles, allowing me to create innovative and tantalizing dishes that captivate the senses.

Based in the vibrant city of Miami, FL, my Personal Chef service is designed to elevate your dining occasions to new heights.

Photo from Tatiana Aicardi

More about me

For me, cooking is...

A form of expressing love.

I learned to cook at...

Le Cordón Bleu Miami back in the year 2007 until 2009. I also learned from many Chefs in the restaurants I worked.

A cooking secret...

Is to let the ingredients speak for itself.. I just need to dress them up nicely

Book your experience with Chef Tatiana

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