Chef Stefany Regis

Chef At Home In Stow
Chef Stefany Regis

Get to know me better

Whoever does not love does not know God.

I am a mother, a wife and the kitchen is one of my favorite places. It all started when I was still a child and I was always around my aunts and stepmother when they went to the kitchen, until when I was 15 years old I found myself preparing the main dishes for our family parties and my sisters' birthdays, the love by gastronomy it only grew until I started studying and looking for cookery books, at the time we couldn't afford a course and so I started learning from YouTube videos and TV shows like Masterchef, today I work as a personal chef, and confectionery, nowadays I am specializing and working to serve people with allergies and dietary restrictions.

Photo from Stefany Regis

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooks for me... goes beyond the limits of flavor. When I'm cooking I look for experiences. I seek through my food to bring people Love, pleasure thr

I learned to cook at...

Since I was little, I always accompanied my mother when she went to cook, I always liked books and food programs and that was how it all started.

A cooking secret...

My secret is to always make food with Love.

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