Chef Rosemary Wade Chef

Chef At Home In Las Vegas
Chef Rosemary Wade Chef

Get to know me better

Food is everything to me and I show love through my food. I am passionate about the food I make!

I am a chef with more than 16 years of experience. I have worked in some of the best restaurants on the Las Vegas strip. From Michelin Star to celebrity chefs. My culture cuisine is not inside one bubble but with many different cuisines. From American, French, Italian, Creole, to name a few. I am a Le Cordon Bleu graduate but my technique and skills are from the restaurants I have worked for. Food is my passion and I would for you to experience my passion through food.

Photo from Rosemary Wade Chef

More about me

For me, cooking is...

My passion and lifestyle is all about cooking. How I show love is through food. You can feel love through the food you make.

I learned to cook at...

I learned to cook through my experiences in the kitchen thought I have a culinary degree from Le Cordon Bleu.

A cooking secret...

Organization! Having order and your mis en place correct you will be successful

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