Chef Resheena Kilpatrick Thigpen

Chef At Home In San Diego
Chef Resheena Kilpatrick Thigpen

Get to know me better

Dependable passionate chef with 10+ years of professional culinary experience.

I am a passionate, dedicated, and dependable chef who has a degree in culinary arts. Serving with 12+ years of culinary experience , that includes restaurant experience, catering, meal prepping for clients, catering for celebrities, catering on well known movie sets, and more. I love to serve all of my customers and clients with memorable flavors, showcasing love in every bite.

Photo from Resheena Kilpatrick Thigpen

More about me

For me, cooking is...

My passion and lifestyle.

I learned to cook at...

I was fortunate enough to have a mom that taught me how to cook as a child. Which helped mold my career desires of being the best chef I can be.

A cooking secret...

Is to add a whole lot of love in every bite.

Book your experience with Chef Resheena Kilpatrick

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  3. Resheena Kilpatrick Thigpen
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