Chef Rachel Roche

Chef At Home In Minneola
Chef Rachel Roche

Get to know me better

Passionate about curating unique dishes that hit all of the five tastes, and more!

I earned my ACF certification in the state of Utah in April of 2023. I took the accelerated program at Salt Lake Culinary Education, where you can earn your chef certification in only 3 months. While it was an intensive and challenging three months, I worked hard to pass my written and practical exam with flying colors. Currently, I love experimenting with foods I'm unfamiliar with, curating new recipes that look and taste incredible. Flavor is my number one when it comes to cooking, I ensure the flavor of all of my dishes stands out first. My goal is for you to say "Wow!" upon your first bite.

Photo from Rachel Roche

More about me

For me, cooking is...

my passion. I love experimenting with food and coming across challenges when trying to make a dish perfect.

I learned to cook at...

Salt Lake Culinary Education in Salt Lake City, Utah. I earned my ACF chef certification through the accelerated professional culinary chef program.

A cooking secret...

Curating dishes that contain the utmost amount of flavor while keeping a clean workspace according to FDA standards.

My menus

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