Chef Paul Ladeira

Chef At Home In San Jose
Chef Paul Ladeira

Get to know me better

Always searching for the essence that connects us through food.

I was trained in classic French cooking and worked with some of the most influential chefs of the last 30 years. Finding myself in Northern California at the turn of the millennium, I helped start the first organic catering company in the Bay Area and spent time at Chez Panisse learning about the importance of growing the highest quality food while nurturing its transformation in the kitchen. Since then I have been working as a private chef with long term clients.

Photo from Paul Ladeira

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Community. Community creates culture. Culture is our most powerful bond.

I learned to cook at...

AA from Baltimore International Culinary Classic French Cooking Semester, Ireland Externship, Bob Kinkead, Washington DC

A cooking secret...

If I told you that wouldn't it take the mystery out of the alchemy?

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