Chef Marcelle Marcelle

Chef At Home In Charlotte
Chef Marcelle Marcelle

Get to know me better

I am an organized, clean, and methodical chef. The best flavors are demonstrated and executed through technique and passion.

My story starts in a small town in the middle of nowhere in Virginia. Mountains, rivers, and more mountains are all my town had to offer. Growing up in a rural area meant there wasn't much to eat, much less creative restaurants showing all the new food trends in most cities. This meant, home-cooked meals prepared by my one inspiration, my mother. 

I grew up in a Latino household. My father is Cuban, and my mother is Puerto Rican. My mother cooked a homemade scratch meal almost nightly, recruiting me to be the one to chop the onions and peel the potatoes. This set the tone for my next 3 decades, food, food, food.

Photo from Marcelle Marcelle

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking for me is everything. Somehow, It continues to be the bond I form between every meaningful relationship I have had.

I learned to cook at...

I learned to cook at home, around 10 years old. Then, grew to study Food Science and Culinary Arts at University. Next, came the full-force industry.

A cooking secret...

My kitchen secret is science. It ties so well into the technique and methods of procedure that once have the culinary 101's, you've found the key.

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