Chef Lee Begim

Private Chef In Los Angeles
Chef Lee Begim

Get to know me better

Classically trained chef with 8+ years of experiences

I am a professional chef who has worked from New York City, to Los Angeles and Tel Aviv. I have worked in a variety of culinary settings and love to blur the lines between traditional technique and innovative creations. Beyond food, I love to create a warm and intimate experiences, borrowing inspiration from the Japanese concept of wabi sabi.

We borrow largely from the Japanese concept of Wabi Sabi in the food at atmosphere we create. Focusing on highlighting beauty from things in their most natural form. With this, we provide a unique aesthetic and sense of simplistic comfort.

Our team is comprised of internationals, allowing us to fuse cultures and reimagine private dining.

We can't wait to host you.

Photo from Lee Begim

More about me

For me, cooking is...

My favourite creative outlet. A way to bring people together, share customs and cultures, while learning from one another.

I learned to cook at...

I learned to cook at the French Culinary Institute in New York City.

A cooking secret...

Sourcing seasonally, utilising typical waste to create something new and highlighting the beauty of food in its most natural form

Book your experience with Chef Lee

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