Chef Latoya Smith

Chef At Home In Conyers
Chef Latoya Smith

Get to know me better

A driven visionary turning details into uniquely tailored memorable experiences. Catering to those unafraid to push the envelope.

The highlight of Latoya’s journey has been connecting with enthusiasts from around the world to learn about their cultures. For the last 7 years there has been a focus on sustainability, working directly with farmers and local cultivators to bring communities a unique culinary experience.

Her ideal day off is spent in nature, maybe fishing and cooking the fresh catch and wild forage over an open fire.

“My goal is to continue to cook for people all around the world and provide them an elevated level of comfort.”

Photo from Latoya Smith

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Deeply rooted in the spirit and memory. Having the opportunity to share it with others inspires me.

I learned to cook at...

I attended Suffolk County Community College however, my greatest lessons came from industry peers.

A cooking secret...

Keep your mind sharp. The sharper it is, the quicker you think, the faster and more efficient you move. Thoughts always come first, then action.

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