Chef Kamoi Atemu

Chef At Home In Miami
Chef Kamoi Atemu

Get to know me better

Chef Kamoi Atemu, enthusiastic Jamaican chef with 10+ years of experience, blends Jamaican flavours with modern techniques creating unique experiences

I began my culinary journey in jamaica's top culinary school, The Heart College of Hospitality, driven by an early passion to cook and experiment with traditional flavours. My career has taken me to prestigious kitchens locally and abroad where i have honed my passion and craft into a 'one of a kind' culinary style and experience. I am currently enrolled in the Miami Culinary Institute, further advancing my expertise and continuing my dedication to the fine art of cooking!

Photo from Kamoi Atemu

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is expression, it's telling a story in hopes of bringing people shared experiences and i'm a student of it's art.

I learned to cook at...

I studied at The Heart College of Hospitality but my grandmother taught me how to cook, cheers to grandma.

A cooking secret...

Genuine understanding of flavours, flavour pairing, attention to details and putting a lil soul in if you know what I mean

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