Chef John Richard

Chef At Home In Wrightsville
Chef John Richard

Get to know me better

Former restaurant chef, turned private chef and traveler. Please allow me to turn your home into a chill, fine dining restaurant for the evening.

John Richard is a former fine dining chef, non-profit kitchen manager, touring performer and now makes his way as a private chef, bringing delicious food and wonderful dinner parties to your home.

John Richard cooks simple food with the best ingredients available using French and Italian technique to guide the way. His favorite ingredient is time. No, that isn’t a spelling mistake, we’re referring to "the passing of", not the herb. Chef John Richard knows that the best food in the world takes time. Prosciutto, Parmigiano Reggiano, wine, it takes months for our gardens to come alive, etc... Time is an irreplaceable ingredient.

The menu you order from Pinch Me! Dining will have been created especially for you, by Chef John Richard himself. Free from the overload and distractions of a busy restaurant kitchen, Chef John is able to put his entire focus into your meal. He takes his time doing it “right”, often taking days to complete a single dish.

When you go to a restaurant, your food is rarely prepared by the chef. At Pinch Me! Dining, it is only prepared by the chef.

Photo from John Richard

More about me

For me, cooking is...

The best way I know how to show folks I care.

I learned to cook at...

I've learned so much, from so many chefs, at so many restaurants over the years, but my time with chef Hooper at Legume Bistro were my most memorable.

A cooking secret...

Keep it simple. Not really a secret.

Book your experience with Chef John

Specify the details of your requests and the chef will send you a custom menu just for you.


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