Chef Israel Sendzischew Izzy Sendzischew

Chef At Home In New York City
Chef Israel Sendzischew Izzy Sendzischew

Get to know me better

Passionate about cooking delicious meals. I’m here to make your meal amazing, delicious and enjoyable.

I am a professional with 4 years experience in the culinary industry world. I studied at the kosher culinary center in Brooklyn New York and got training by working and serving in restaurants in the area. After 3 and half years I decided to work for homes with disabilities in the 5 boroughs. I love what I do and love to pass the experience to others

Photo from Israel Sendzischew Izzy Sendzischew

More about me

For me, cooking is...

My passion, My love, my life.

I learned to cook at...

Kosher culinary center

A cooking secret...

Coming up with new creations

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  3. Israel Sendzischew Izzy Sendzischew
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