Chef Gerrick Chef Carter

Personal Chef In Detroit
Chef Gerrick Chef Carter

Get to know me better

Cooking is not just a hobby, it's my ultimate passion! There's something magical about creating delicious dishes from scratch and seeing ppls joy

I started cooking because I wanted to make a change in my life towards weight loss. Throughout my journey, I wanted to help others in cooking delicious meals that would be flavorful and healthy. Also through catering, bringing an experience to each event. Putting a smile to every customer by bringing every event to life by different food to different styles of charcuterie ????

Photo from Gerrick Chef Carter

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is not just a hobby, it's my ultimate passion! There's something magical about creating delicious dishes from scratch and seeing ppls joy

I learned to cook at...

I learned to cook at home.

A cooking secret...

Is treating every dish with care. Making sure the taste & presentation are perfect.

Book your experience with Chef Gerrick

Specify the details of your requests and the chef will send you a custom menu just for you.


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  1. Take a Chef
  2. Chefs in the United States
  3. Gerrick Chef Carter
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