Chef Dominique Best

Chef At Home In Baton Rouge
Chef Dominique Best

Get to know me better

Passionate about cooking. Been cooking for a decade. Food and beverage skills, traditional baking skills, entrepreneur in meal prep and private chef.

A professional chef with 15 years of skills. I am always learning new skills. Licenced in food and beverage and serve safe. I also have a hospitality degree as well. Single mother of a beautiful 15 year old, actress. I live in the beautiful crazy-Cajun state of Baton Rouge, Louisiana ! I am originally from New York. I love to infuse Northern cooking with a little bit Cajun cooking as well.

Photo from Dominique Best

More about me

For me, cooking is...

My livelihood and career. I love being of service to others.

I learned to cook at...

A college once known as Louisiana Technical Institute with an Associates degree and I have a Bachelor's in Hospitality Management from Devry Uni.

A cooking secret...

Measurements should always be exact. It's the tools you cook with that make the dish.

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