Chef Demetrius G

Private Chef In Chicago
Chef Demetrius G

Get to know me better

We (Chef Demetrius & Chef Anjelica) craft personalized dining experiences with passion & precision.

Our approach with new customers is designed to be straightforward, stress-free, and enjoyable. Here's how it works:

Initial Consultation: It all starts with a friendly conversation. We'll discuss your culinary preferences, dietary needs, and any specific requests you have. This is a great opportunity for you to share your favorite cuisines, foods you dislike, or any allergies. The goal is to understand your unique tastes and requirements.

Customized Menu Planning: Based on our discussion, We'll craft a personalized menu tailored just for you. We'll send this over for your review and make any adjustments as needed to ensure it perfectly suits your palate.

Scheduling and Logistics: Once the menu is set, we'll choose a date and time that works best for you. I'll take care of all the shopping, ensuring the use of fresh and high-quality ingredients.

Cooking Day: On the scheduled day, We'll come to your home to prepare the meal. You don’t need to worry about a thing; We bring all necessary equipment and handle all aspects of meal prep, cooking, and cleaning up after.

Enjoy Your Meal: Sit back, relax, and enjoy a delicious, professionally prepared meal in the comfort of your home.

Feedback and Follow-Up: After the experience, We're open to any feedback or suggestions. If you're happy with the service, we can discuss setting up a regular schedule for ongoing culinary delights.

Our goal is to make your dining experience as enjoyable and effortless as possible. Let us take the stress out of meal planning and preparation, so you can simply enjoy delicious, healthy meals tailored just for you.

***ATTENTION TO DETAILS*** If you want us to serve, ensure that you have all the necessary items. This will be discussed during setup & consultation.

Photo from Demetrius G

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is our thrilling voyage through global flavors, where passion transforms into culinary adventures.

I learned to cook at...

A culinary apprenticeship & traveling the world taking cooking courses.

A cooking secret...

Experimenting, research & development

Book your experience with Chef Demetrius

Specify the details of your requests and the chef will send you a custom menu just for you.


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