Chef Daniel Villar Galicia

Chef At Home In Oakland
Chef Daniel Villar Galicia

Get to know me better

Philosophy centered around clean, healthy eating and a passion for crafting delicious meals

My inspiration derives from the conservation of properties of each food. My knowledge derives from practice beginning at a very young age - thanks to my mother-, the delicious food of my grandmothers, and those secret recipes of my aunts; these factors led me to study in the Monterrey Culinary Institute in my home country Mexico.

I traveled the Mexican Caribbean and found knowledge that I could not acquire in culinary school. I discovered "my taste". Throughout my work experiences in Mexico, head of two kitchens, and working for families as a private chef for a few years each, I have honed my culinary skills, style, and my philosophy to Contribute all knowledge and passion for cooking, learn new methods of food processing, and innovate to contribute to each new place.

Photo from Daniel Villar Galicia

More about me

For me, cooking is...

The satisfaction of offering something so ephemeral and at the same time transcendental.

I learned to cook at...

Well, my culinary journey started at a young age, watching my mother work her magic in the kitchen. She taught me the basics and instilled in me.

A cooking secret...

The real magic happens when you trust your instincts and pour your heart into every dish.

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