Chef Clarissa Moratto

Chef At Home In Houston
Chef Clarissa Moratto

Get to know me better

Cooking for health and management of illness,

A Executive chef with 35 yrs experience, specializing menus for people with illnesses like cancer, crohns, weight loss, diabetes. Or just healthy holistic plans. Nutrition is important to me for you ,as it is to you, fresh and organic choices selected with a descriptive narrative if there foods not familiar to you, giving you a rundown of the benefits of that item.

Photo from Clarissa Moratto

More about me

For me, cooking is...

For me cooking is satisfying and enjoyable at the outcome

I learned to cook at...

Ive always helped in the kitchen and decided to go to culinary school to fine tune my skills

A cooking secret...

Enjoy what you do at all times

Book your experience with Chef Clarissa

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