Chef Christina Giordanella

Chef At Home In Dayton
Chef Christina Giordanella

Get to know me better

You can always find me in the kitchen making good food.

I have been in restaurant business since I was 15. I started in the fast food industry and ended up in the hospitality business. I have worked at the hospital here in Carson city, Nv. For 18 years. I started as a dishwasher and moved my way up. I love cooking and designing menus. I am a production chef producing about 120 meals a day.

Photo from Christina Giordanella

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is my lifestyle I am always in the kitchen trying new things.

I learned to cook at...

I learned how to cook at home and in different restaurants.

A cooking secret...

Putting my heart and soul into it. Making sure everything incorporates nicely.

My menus

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