Chef Alex Maranslicht

Chef At Home In Los Angeles
Chef Alex Maranslicht

Get to know me better

My passion for cooking is endless. I strive to always bring that next special dish to someone. I love bringing a healthy and creative touch to my food

I’m an immigrant from Ukraine who has conquered the culinary world. Inspired by my grandmother's catering career and my own experiences in pizzerias, I pursued culinary school while attending Hunter College in Brooklyn. I honed my skills at renowned establishments like David Bouley's Danube and Nobu 57, gaining invaluable knowledge along the way.

Despite a traumatic car accident that temporarily derailed my dreams, my determination remained unwavering. After a grueling surgery and months of recovery, I returned to the restaurant scene, opening my own establishment in Williamsburg. Though short-lived, this experience propelled me to explore new avenues. At the young age of 22, I ventured into the private chef world.

My journey has been shaped by the meaningful relationships I have cultivated and the support of exceptional individuals. I am very grateful for my experiences and exposure to food from all over the world.

Photo from Alex Maranslicht

More about me

For me, cooking is...

I live, breathe and eat cooking! No pun intended! I’m always looking for the next great dish to tackle and create.

I learned to cook at...

David Bouley’s Danube, Nobu 57

A cooking secret...

My cake tester! It helps determine the perfect cook on proteins.

My menus

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