Chef Marcelo Alves

Private Chef In Bratislava
Chef Marcelo Alves

Get to know me better

I am Passionate about cooking!

I’m Marcelo Alves

For over 20 years I have owned my professional experience through working in the kitchens of well known restaurants and Embassies in London, Paris and Vienna. Furthermore I did attend several cooking courses around the world and studied gastronomy at the Academie de Paris university in France and I have achieved the highest degree issued in French Cuisine.

My specialization lies within the Italian, Brazilian and French cuisine but also I developed my own international style bringing together the best of what I was able to learn during my years in this profession. Now I am keeping up with international trends and offering the best of knowledge working in Bratislava and Vienna.

Today I am very pleased to use my experience in Bratislava and Vienna, in diplomatic services and private events, where I am responsible for management as well as planning and organizing. I am cooperating with number of people from different nationalities, sharing space and experience with different chefs and work with high-level authorities and politicians

Photo from Marcelo Alves

More about me

For me, cooking is...


I learned to cook at...

MY latest degree was issued bye the Academie de Paris France.

A cooking secret...

my secret is to be creative and oriinal always .

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