Chef Rogerio Bento
Personal Chef In Mira
Get to know me better
I’m an ambitious chef who thrives on making people happy through creative, flavorful cuisine—blending tradition, innovation, and pure pleasure.
Since my 17 years of age I began this adventure and have worked in many restaurants and hotels in Portugal, Switzerland and Macau and including cruise ships .
I love cooking Eurasian fusion dishes and giving priority to local produce. My passion for cooking also embraces traditional Portuguese, Mediterranean and fulfilling vegan / vegetarian cuisines.
If you leave it all to me, I will always look to prepare what is in season and I always look to bring about well-balanced flavor filled healthy food.

More about me
For me, cooking is...
Cooking, is the art of nurturing the soul, pleasing the senses and preserving vitality.
I learned to cook at...
School of hoteliers and tourism in Coimbra and Aveiro.
A cooking secret...
Handle with care and make sure the flavors are there!
My menus
Champignon mushrooms stuffed with seafood, Creamy bisque and fresh coriandar. (Cogumelos Champignon Recheados com Marisco, Bisque Cremosa e Coentros Frescos)
Fish and Chips Bites with Lemon Tartar Sauce. (Douradinhos de Peixe e Batata Frita com Molho Tártaro de Limão)
Creamy Clam Chowder. (Sopa Cremosa de Amêijoas)
Fish Soup with Saffron and Tomatoes. (Sopa de Peixe com Açafrão e Tomates)
Seafood Paella (Paelha de peixe e Marisco)
Spicy Fish Curry with Coconut Milk and Sweet Potatoes (Curry de Peixe Picante com Leite de Coco e Batatas doces)
Creamy Dark Chocolate Terrine, Raspberry Compote, Almond Custard and Crisp. (Terrine Cremosa de Chocolate Negro com Compota de Framboesa, Creme de Amêndoas e Crocante.)
Coconut tapioca with mango and black sesame praliné (Tapioca de coco com manga e praliné de sésamo preto)
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Tuna Tartare with Avocado, Cucumber, and Wasabi-Lime Dressing translate. (Tartar de Atum com Abacate, Pepino e Molho de Wasabi e Limão)
Mussels in Garlic-Saffron Broth with Fresh Herbs. (Mexilhões em Caldo de Alho e Açafrão com Ervas Frescas)
Crab Cakes with Lemon-Dill Aioli and Arugula Salad. (Bolinhos de Caranguejo com Aioli de Limão e Endro e Salada de Rúcula)
Scallop Carpaccio with Lime, Sesame, Chives, and Spices. (Carpaccio de Vieiras com Limão, Sésamo, Cebolinho e Especiarias)
Grilled Cuttlefish with Harissa-Yogurt Sauce and Roasted Bell Peppers. (Choco Grelhado com Molho de Harissa e Iogurte e Pimentos Assados)
Smoked Salmon Rillettes with Dill-Caper Aioli and Crostini. (Rillettes de Salmão Fumado com Aioli de Endro e Alcaparras e Crostini)
Grilled Mediterranean Sea Bass with Miso-Tahini Glaze, Pickled Ginger, and Charred Vegetables. (Robalo Mediterrâneo Grelhado com Glaceado de Miso e Tahine, Gengibre Em Conserva e Legumes Grelhados)
Charred Sword Fish with Chorizo-Miso Butter, Smoked Tomato Coulis, and Wilted Spinach. (Peixe Espada Grelhado com Manteiga de Chouriço e Miso, Coulis de Tomate Defumado e Espinafre Murchado)
Salted Caramel Tart with Almond Praline and Cream. (Tarte de Caramelo Salgado com Praliné de Amêndoa e Nata)
Olive Oil Cake with Fig and Balsamic Syrup, Whipped Ricotta, and Toasted Walnuts. (Bolo de Azeite com Xarope de Figo e Balsâmico, Ricotta Batida e Nozes Torradas)
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Fish and seafood stew ramen, flavored with coriander (Ramen de caldeirada de peixe e marisco, aromatizado com coentros)
Miso and Orange Ramen with Marinated Tofu, Vegetables and Homemade Noodles (Ramen de miso e laranja com Tofu marinado, legumes e noodles caseiros (Vegan)
Free range chicken ramen with vegetables and marinated egg (Ramen de frango do campo com legumes e ovo marinado)
Stuffed Baos with sweetchilly sauce and fried onion (Baos recheados com molho agridoce e cebola frita)
Selection of various sushi with fish from our coast, Uramaki, Hossomaki, Negiri, Temaki, Gunkan. (Selecção de variedades de sushi com peixes da nossa costa: Uramaki, Hossomaki, Negiri, Temaki, Gunkan)
Selection of various Vegan Sushi, Uramaki, Hossomaki, Negiri, Temaki, Gunkan. (Selecção de variedades de sushi Vegan da nossa costa: Uramaki, Hossomaki, Negiri, Temaki, Gunkan)
Mochi trio with fruit coulis (Mochi tricolor com molho de frutas)
Coconut tapioca with mango and black sesame praliné (Tapioca de coco com manga e praliné de sésamo preto)
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Tartare di Tonno con Avocado e Agrumi – (Fresh tuna tartare with avocado, citrus segments, and a citrus dressing.)
Crostini di Fegatini di Pollo – (Toasted bread topped with a savory chicken liver pâté, caramelized onions, and a touch of brandy.)
Arancini di Riso al Nero di Seppia – (Squid ink rice arancini stuffed with seafood, served with a spicy tomato sauce.)
Filetto di Branzino con Salsa al Prosecco e Asparagi – (Pan-seared sea bass fillet with a light Prosecco sauce, served with grilled asparagus and crispy leeks)
Risotto alla Crema di Gamberi – (Creamy shrimp risotto, infused with a rich seafood bisque and finished with fresh parsley.)
Ravioli di Granchio con Salsa di Pomodoro e Peperoncino (Crab and Ricotta Ravioli with Spicy Tomato Sauce, Crispy Shallots and Fresh Herbs)
Agnello al Rosmarino e Mostarda di Fichi – (Lamb roasted with rosemary, served with a fig mustard sauce and roasted root vegetables.)
Anatra alla Melagrana – (Duck breast glazed with pomegranate reduction, served with mashed potatoes and caramelized shallots.)
Stinco di Maiale Brasato al Barolo – (Braised pork shank in Barolo wine with a rich gravy, served with polenta.)
Torta Caprese al Cioccolato Fondente – (Flourless chocolate cake made with almond flour, served with a scoop of pistachio gelato.)
Semifreddo alla Gianduia con Coulis di Frutti di Bosco – (Gianduja semifreddo with a mixed berry coulis and crunchy hazelnut brittle.)
Cannoli Siciliani – (Crispy pastry shells filled with sweet ricotta, dark chocolate shaving candied orange and coulis.)
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Shrimp and ginger "patanisca" with Carrot and red lentil hummus, and asian vegetable slaw
Papadam, Chapati, cheese curd and mango curry, Mini meatballs vinho verde masala, Channa & Caldo verde
Mushroom and curd cheese spring rolls, with orange and ginger sweet chilly, smoked teriaky and fried onion
Codfish braised in Thai green curry with prawns fried in garlic and coriander
Sea Bream Roll with Miso and Lemon Sauce, Potato Mash with Olive and Rosemary, and Glazed Seasonal Vegetables. (Rolo de Dourada com Molho de Miso e Limão, Puré de Batata com Azeitona e Alecrim, e Legumes da Época Glaceados.)
Fish and Seafood Ramen with Fresh Cilantro, Miso, and Lime. ( Ramen Noodles de Peixe e Marisco com Coentros Frescos, Miso e Lima.)
Sliced rosebeef with spicy vindaloo sauce and olive teriaky, coriander and sesame basmati rice and roasted vegetables
Fried pork with sweet and sour sauce, clams, olives, pickles and lemon
Beef and barbecue chicken kebabs with peanut sauce and coriander
Ginger and matcha panacotta with mango coulis and lemon gel (Panacotta de gengibre e matcha com coulis de manga e gel de limão)
Drunken pear crumble with salted caramel ice cream (Crumble de pera bêbeda com gelado de caramelo salgado)
Almond yogurt with Carob gummies, ginger granola, blueberries and orange
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Cod and Chickpea Salad with Roasted Bell Pepper. (Salada de Bacalhau e Grão com Pimento Assado.)
Tapas Platter (Cheeses, Grilled Chorizo, Marinated Olives, Tiborna, Bread, and Cornbread). Mesa de Tapas (Queijos, Chouriço Grelhado, Azeitonas Marinadas, Tiborna, Pão e Broa)
Stuffed Mushrooms with Alheira, Arugula Salad, and Creamy Cheese Sauce. (Cogumelos Recheados com Alheira, Salada de Rúcula e Molho de Queijo Amanteigado.)
Caldo Verde with Crispy Chorizo and Cornbread. (Caldo Verde com Crocante de Chouriço e Broa.)
Bacalhau Gomes de Sá (Traditional Portuguese Salted Cod Dish)
Coastal Fish Stew with Lemon and Coriander. (Caldeirada de Peixes da Nossa Costa com Limão e Coentros.)
Whole Roasted Sea Bream with Tomato and Olives and herbs, served with roasted potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables. (Dourada assada à Portuguesa)
Rooster Chanfana with Boiled Potatoes and Cabbage Migas. (Chanfana de Galo com Batata Cozida e Migas de Couve.)
Traditional Roasted Duck Rice with Chourizo. (Arroz de Pato Tradicional)
Feijoada Transmontana (Northern Hearty Pork and Bean Stew with pilaf rice)
Sweet Rice with Drunken Pear and Cinnamon. ( Arroz doce com Pêra Bêbeda)
Caramel and Orange Egg Pudding. ( Pudim de Ovos de Caramelo e Laranja)
Serradura com Creme de Ovos (Layered Cream Mousse with Marie Biscuit and sweet egg yolk compote)
Grannies Chocolate Mousse (Mousse de chocolate caseira)
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Crispy Beetroot, Shrimp and Herbed Cream Cheese Sushi Rice Balls, with Sweet Red Bean Teriyaki Glaze and Spring Onion. (Bolas Crocantes de Arroz de Sushi, Beterraba, Camarão e Queijo Creme com Ervas, sobre Teriaky Agridoce de Feijão Vermelho e Cebolinho)
Poached White Fish with Yogurt Lime Sauce, Green Lentil Dal, and Sweet Potato Pebbles,(Peixe Branco Escalfado com Molho de Iogurte e Lima, Dal de Lentilhas Verdes e "Gravilha" de Batata-Doce.)
Smoky Duck Breast over Duck Couscous, Rich Chocolate-Infused Balsamic Glaze, and Spiced Roasted Pears. ( Peito de Pato Defumado sobre Cuscuz de Pato, Glace de Balsâmico Achocolatado e Peras Assadas com Especiarias.)
Basque Burnt Cheesecake with Honey-Lavender Drizzle and Caramelized Figs. (Cheesecake Basco Queimado com Calda de Mel e Lavanda e Figos Caramelizados)
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Kimchi Beef Taco in corn tortillas with shredded red cabbage and lime crema. (Taco de Carne com Kimchi em Tortilhas de Milho, Repolho Roxo Desfiado e Creme de Limão)
Vegetable Samosas with Sweet Chili and Cream Cheese dip. (Samosas de Legumes com Molho Doce de Pimenta e Dip de Cream Cheese)
Mediterranean hummus brusqueta with pickled clams. (Bruschetta Mediterrânea com Hummus e Amêijoas Marinadas)
Honey-Sesame Glazed Cuttlefish with Mango Salsa. ( Tiras de Choco Glaceadas em Mel e Sésamo, acompanhada de Salsa de Manga)
Grilled Shrimp and Chorizo Skewers with Lime-Cilantro Rice. (Espetadas de Camarão Grelhado e Chouriço com Arroz de Limão e Coentro)
Black Pig, Chourizo and Chickpea Tagine with Couscous translate
Stuffed Chicken with Spinach, Feta, and Pine Nuts and Creamy Mushroom Rissoto. (Frango Recheado com Espinafre, Feta e Pinhões e Risotto Cremoso de Cogumelos)
Spiced Beetroot and Dark Chocolate Cake with Orange-Cardamom Cream (Bolo de Beterraba Especiado com Chocolate Amargo e Creme de Laranja e Cardamomo)
Lemon-Lavender Panna Cotta with Rosemary Honeycomb. (Panna Cotta de Limão e Lavanda com Crocante de Alecrim e Mel)
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Champignon mushrooms stuffed with seafood, Creamy bisque and fresh coriandar. (Cogumelos Champignon Recheados com Marisco, Bisque Cremosa e Coentros Frescos)
Fish and Chips Bites with Lemon Tartar Sauce. (Douradinhos de Peixe e Batata Frita com Molho Tártaro de Limão)
Creamy Clam Chowder. (Sopa Cremosa de Amêijoas)
Fish Soup with Saffron and Tomatoes. (Sopa de Peixe com Açafrão e Tomates)
Seafood Paella (Paelha de peixe e Marisco)
Spicy Fish Curry with Coconut Milk and Sweet Potatoes (Curry de Peixe Picante com Leite de Coco e Batatas doces)
Creamy Dark Chocolate Terrine, Raspberry Compote, Almond Custard and Crisp. (Terrine Cremosa de Chocolate Negro com Compota de Framboesa, Creme de Amêndoas e Crocante.)
Coconut tapioca with mango and black sesame praliné (Tapioca de coco com manga e praliné de sésamo preto)
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Tuna Tartare with Avocado, Cucumber, and Wasabi-Lime Dressing translate. (Tartar de Atum com Abacate, Pepino e Molho de Wasabi e Limão)
Mussels in Garlic-Saffron Broth with Fresh Herbs. (Mexilhões em Caldo de Alho e Açafrão com Ervas Frescas)
Crab Cakes with Lemon-Dill Aioli and Arugula Salad. (Bolinhos de Caranguejo com Aioli de Limão e Endro e Salada de Rúcula)
Scallop Carpaccio with Lime, Sesame, Chives, and Spices. (Carpaccio de Vieiras com Limão, Sésamo, Cebolinho e Especiarias)
Grilled Cuttlefish with Harissa-Yogurt Sauce and Roasted Bell Peppers. (Choco Grelhado com Molho de Harissa e Iogurte e Pimentos Assados)
Smoked Salmon Rillettes with Dill-Caper Aioli and Crostini. (Rillettes de Salmão Fumado com Aioli de Endro e Alcaparras e Crostini)
Grilled Mediterranean Sea Bass with Miso-Tahini Glaze, Pickled Ginger, and Charred Vegetables. (Robalo Mediterrâneo Grelhado com Glaceado de Miso e Tahine, Gengibre Em Conserva e Legumes Grelhados)
Charred Sword Fish with Chorizo-Miso Butter, Smoked Tomato Coulis, and Wilted Spinach. (Peixe Espada Grelhado com Manteiga de Chouriço e Miso, Coulis de Tomate Defumado e Espinafre Murchado)
Salted Caramel Tart with Almond Praline and Cream. (Tarte de Caramelo Salgado com Praliné de Amêndoa e Nata)
Olive Oil Cake with Fig and Balsamic Syrup, Whipped Ricotta, and Toasted Walnuts. (Bolo de Azeite com Xarope de Figo e Balsâmico, Ricotta Batida e Nozes Torradas)
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Fish and seafood stew ramen, flavored with coriander (Ramen de caldeirada de peixe e marisco, aromatizado com coentros)
Miso and Orange Ramen with Marinated Tofu, Vegetables and Homemade Noodles (Ramen de miso e laranja com Tofu marinado, legumes e noodles caseiros (Vegan)
Free range chicken ramen with vegetables and marinated egg (Ramen de frango do campo com legumes e ovo marinado)
Stuffed Baos with sweetchilly sauce and fried onion (Baos recheados com molho agridoce e cebola frita)
Selection of various sushi with fish from our coast, Uramaki, Hossomaki, Negiri, Temaki, Gunkan. (Selecção de variedades de sushi com peixes da nossa costa: Uramaki, Hossomaki, Negiri, Temaki, Gunkan)
Selection of various Vegan Sushi, Uramaki, Hossomaki, Negiri, Temaki, Gunkan. (Selecção de variedades de sushi Vegan da nossa costa: Uramaki, Hossomaki, Negiri, Temaki, Gunkan)
Mochi trio with fruit coulis (Mochi tricolor com molho de frutas)
Coconut tapioca with mango and black sesame praliné (Tapioca de coco com manga e praliné de sésamo preto)
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Tartare di Tonno con Avocado e Agrumi – (Fresh tuna tartare with avocado, citrus segments, and a citrus dressing.)
Crostini di Fegatini di Pollo – (Toasted bread topped with a savory chicken liver pâté, caramelized onions, and a touch of brandy.)
Arancini di Riso al Nero di Seppia – (Squid ink rice arancini stuffed with seafood, served with a spicy tomato sauce.)
Filetto di Branzino con Salsa al Prosecco e Asparagi – (Pan-seared sea bass fillet with a light Prosecco sauce, served with grilled asparagus and crispy leeks)
Risotto alla Crema di Gamberi – (Creamy shrimp risotto, infused with a rich seafood bisque and finished with fresh parsley.)
Ravioli di Granchio con Salsa di Pomodoro e Peperoncino (Crab and Ricotta Ravioli with Spicy Tomato Sauce, Crispy Shallots and Fresh Herbs)
Agnello al Rosmarino e Mostarda di Fichi – (Lamb roasted with rosemary, served with a fig mustard sauce and roasted root vegetables.)
Anatra alla Melagrana – (Duck breast glazed with pomegranate reduction, served with mashed potatoes and caramelized shallots.)
Stinco di Maiale Brasato al Barolo – (Braised pork shank in Barolo wine with a rich gravy, served with polenta.)
Torta Caprese al Cioccolato Fondente – (Flourless chocolate cake made with almond flour, served with a scoop of pistachio gelato.)
Semifreddo alla Gianduia con Coulis di Frutti di Bosco – (Gianduja semifreddo with a mixed berry coulis and crunchy hazelnut brittle.)
Cannoli Siciliani – (Crispy pastry shells filled with sweet ricotta, dark chocolate shaving candied orange and coulis.)
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