Chef Gabriel Demetrio Gabriel

Chef At Home In Quarteira
Chef Gabriel Demetrio Gabriel

Get to know me better

The mind cooks, the heart seasons.

Hello! How are you? First of all, welcome.

A brief summary about me: I am Brazilian, from São Paulo, 31 years old, graduated in gastronomy in 2012, have been working in kitchens for 12 years, and have been living in Portugal since 2018.

In 2021, after years of working in italian, brazilian, portuguese, fusion, seafood, buffet, bistro, hotel, and event kitchens, I ventured into becoming a private chef and found what I had been missing in my profession without even realizing it: the closeness to people!

How wonderful it is to arrive at a home and be greeted with smiles, to see and feel people in moments of celebration or relaxation, to see children running around the house eagerly awaiting their meal, to chat with the curious ones who come to the kitchen to learn about a recipe or ask about a different preparation, and especially to serve at the table.

I love serving at the table what I have prepared: talking to those who will eat what I made, explaining the dish and letting the conversation flow. Describing the ingredients, the history. Sharing about an ingredient. Mentioning a fun fact. In short, the interaction, the contact.

And that is why I love what I do more and more.

And I do it with great pleasure!

Photo from Gabriel Demetrio Gabriel

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Make delicious food. This is where food must begin! And then to surprise, invoke sensations and change perceptions.

I learned to cook at...

With my family (especially my grandmother and aunts), at college, at home (for myself), and wherever I worked. In summary: throughout my life!

A cooking secret...

Carefully choose each ingredient, balance the flavors, and add my personal touch.

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