Private Chef Emiko Nakamura - Take a Chef

Chef Emiko Nakamura

Personal Chef In Quarteira
Chef Emiko Nakamura

Get to know me better

I am a Japanese chef from Japan.

Chef license by the National Examination of Japan 1992.

I trained French cuisine and French wine, Japanese cuisine, and Korean with a total of 15 years of experience in Japan.

Food consultant, private chef and cooking classes with a total of 7 years of experience in Brazil.

I serve a kimono (traditional Japanese dress.) exclusively for Japanese dishes !!

Adquirido licenciada chefe pelo Exame Nacional do Japão 1992.

Trenei cozinha francês e vinho francês, cozinha japonesa, e coreana com total 15 anos de experiencia no japão.

Consultor de culinária, Chef particular e Aula de culinária com total 7 anos de experiencia no Brasil.

Eu sirvo um quimono(vestido tradicional japonês.) para pratos japonês exclusivamente!!

Photo from Emiko Nakamura

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Traditional, Safe, Secure and Delicious!

I learned to cook at...

Don't wasted, Respect and thankful for the lives of any kind of food ( vegetable, fish, cow, chicken, etc.)

A cooking secret...

Flavor from ingredients, home made sauces, and Simple. No chemical seasoning, No MSG.

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  3. Emiko Nakamura
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