Private Chef Álvaro Santos - Take a Chef

Chef Álvaro Santos

Chef At Home In Amadora
Chef Álvaro Santos

Get to know me better

Cuisine with respect the ingredient

Com mais de 10 anos de experiencia como Chef de cozinha e Chef Executivo em Hotéis de 5 Estrelas, em Portugal e no Estrangeiro, absorvi varias técnicas e temperos desde o Oriente ás Caraíbas, passando pela Gastronomia Mediterrânica, tenho como Segredo a frescura dos ingredientes ( pequenos produtores e no Mercado de setúbal) e dar o devido tempo aos cozinhados como as nossas Avós.

With more than 10 years of experience as a Chef and Executive Chef in 5 Star Hotels, in Portugal and around the World, I have absorbed various techniques and seasonings from the East to the Caribbean, through Mediterranean Gastronomy, my secret is the freshness of the ingredients ( small producers and in the Setúbal Market) and give due time to the cooks like our Grandmothers.

Photo from Álvaro Santos

More about me

For me, cooking is...

my vision, my concept my life

I learned to cook at...

whith very good Chefs, in Oitavos Hotel, and Tivoli, and a oportunity to travel and work all round the world and see diferente ways to cook

A cooking secret...

fresh ingredients and love

My menus

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  1. Take a Chef
  2. Chefs in Portugal
  3. Álvaro Santos
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