Private Chef Alejandro Castillo Saez - Take a Chef

Chef Alejandro Castillo Saez

Chef At Home In Portimão
Chef Alejandro Castillo Saez

Get to know me better

I love to cook and I have over 15 years experience cooking for people in restaurants in Central and South America.

I love to travel and discover new flavors, learn from the different cultures to which I travel, I like to work as a team. Specialties: - Typical South American food - Barbecue and smoked meat - Indigenous food from Venezuela and Brazil - Asian and Arabic food - Vegetarian and vegan food

Me encanta viajar y descubrir nuevos sabores, aprender de las diferentes culturas a donde viajo, me gusta trabajar en equipo.


- Comida típica sudamericana

- Barbacoa y carne ahumada

- Comida indígena de Venezuela y Brasil

- Comida asiática y árabe

- Comida vegetariana y vegana

Photo from Alejandro Castillo Saez

More about me

For me, cooking is...

It is everything for me. I love what I do and I do it with passion. Lo es todo para mi. Amo lo que hago y lo hago con pasion.

I learned to cook at...

In many restaurants and Gastronomy school in Venezuela. Muchos restaurantes, y Instituto de Estudios Gastronómicos de Venezuela, San Cristóbal

A cooking secret...

Cook with love and add something of my home. Cocinar con amor y en casa plato poner algo de mis origenes.

My menus

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  2. Chefs in Portugal
  3. Alejandro Castillo Saez
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