Private Chef Marius Cookingartpassion - Take a Chef

Chef Marius Cookingartpassion

Private Chef In Gdańsk
Chef Marius Cookingartpassion

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CookingArtPassion; specjalizuje się w kreowaniu eksluzywnych usług gastronomicznych w komforcie Twojego własnego domu czy tez miejsca wypoczynkowego

Profesjonalny, ambitny, głodny nowych doświadczeń, Szef Ambassador z Rudloe Arms Marco Pierre White w Bath United Kingdom. Rozpoznawalny w Wielkiej Brytanii jako CookingArtPassion. Wspolpracujacy ze swiatowa firma Airbnb, ktora pan Mariusz reprezentuje jako Szef Ambasador w Oxfordzie jak i Cotswold w Wielkiej Brytanii.

Mieszkaniec Gdanska, teraz dostepny "on request "na pomorskim rynku gastronomicznym, swiadzczacy uslugi gastronomiczne, dzielac sie wiedza I doswiadczeniami zdobytymi w okresie 18 lat kuchennych rewolucji.

W latach 90 Zaczynajac kuchenne rewolucje szef Mariusz pracowal w prestizowych restatauracjach pomorskich, miedzy innymi Cristal, U Szkota, hotel Cztery Pory Roku I wiele innych.

Od roku 2006 pracujac z Iconami swiata gastronomicznego takimi jak Marco Pierre White w Rudloe Arms Bath U.K, Jamie Oliver w Bristol U.K, Matt Gilan South Lodge Hotel U.K, Raymond Blanc Le Manoir Oxford U.K, Rick Stain I wielu innych.

Ogromna pasja, zaangażowanie, ambicja, ciężka praca, wzorowa organizacja i ciągły rozwój- to bezsprzecznie cechy Mariusza. Ostatnio pracowal w takich restauracjach jak Rudloe Arms Corsham gdzie w dalszym ciagu wspolpracuje z Marco Pierre White i jego synem Luciano i corka Mirabelle PierreWhite.

Czy tez South Lodge Hotel i Le Manoir Raymond Blanc gdzie z mieszanki pasji, talentu i dobrego smaku kreował swoje dania.

Szef Mariusz mowi" Niech skladniki mowia same za siebie, nie komplikujmy prostoty w daniach, pamietajmy, mniej to wiecej. Sztuka jest kreowanie potrawy z niczego, prostota jest kluczem a cena jest doswiadczenie I technika aby wydobyc te smaki "

Slowa szefa Mariusza na temat Michelin; "Kuchnia Michelin Star to serwowanie minimalnych porcji, i kasowanie niesamowitych cen, nie badzmy naiwni"

Pamietajmy ze szef Mariusz kreuje potrawy gdzie klient jest w stanie doswiadczyc palety smakow I tekstur, a porcje dan sa takie, aby w pelni zadowolily klienta.

Kuchnię szefa Mariusza charakteryzuje wielka miłość do gotowania oraz nieustanna chęć odkrywania nowych smaków i łączenia ich z kulinarnymi wspomnieniami z dzieciństwa.

Ponad 17 lat pracy i rozwój Mariusza doprowadzily go do tworzenia smakow I tekstor ktore zaskakuja jego klientow podczas oferowanych dining experience.

Jego menu sa oparte na porach roku, wiec jestesmy pewni ze dzieki temu bedziemy degustowac potrawy I skladniki ktore reprezentuja Pomorze.



With menus based on Wiltshire and British produce and meats with a modern and exciting flair. Available in Gdansk for exceptional dining experience.

There are various reasons for using a private chef, all of which contribute towards both making the day a memorable one and taking the stress away from those hosting the event.

Experienced and talented private chef Ambassador skilled at preparing professional meals for a variety of tastes.

You can find our more about my business simply googled "CookingArtPassion Private Chef Service".

Marcus always provide imaginative bespoke food options matched with flawless service – making him the most desirable private chef & home dining experience. He want you and your guests to completely relax..

Over the past years, he have always kept food ideas and styles up to date, as a great client's of Marcus always says “Cooking from the Heart”, using the best possible ingredients, has always been the key to his success.

Marcus Private Chef Ambassador and his dining experiences took many of his clients on a gastronomic journey through a host of new dishes and flavors.

Also you can experience chef Marcus's culinary creations at The Richmond, where many of his existing and new clients can join him for Open Kitchen Dining experience and Pasta Cooking Classes.

Available in limited spaces, one sitting twice a week. Over 2 hours the menu will be demonstrated & cooked right in front of you. Marcus takes you on a culinary journey through the fresh seasonal, local and sustainable dishes. Whether it is sourcing the ingredients right off the doorstep of Bath and using Federico's pasta made daily on site. Message us to find out more about Open kitchen dining experience and pasta cooking Classes in our established in Bath.

The Open kitchen experience at The Richmond brings a dynamic, interactive element to your dining experience. Where a passionate chef is the showman, creates the dishes in front of guests and serves them to the table. This could be a unique, immersive addition to your everyday dining experience – giving your attendees an opportunity to relax, engage and get to know one another

Our idea is to gather high-quality food at sustainable and reasonable prices for all, celebrate food biodiversity, and create an informal, natural and simple place to Eat, Shop, Learn, all under one roof.

The Richmond is a heritage building that is more than located on "the longest unbroken terrace in the UK" Dining at a unique location in an old English building from the 19th century, on the edge of the Bath, between numerous popular locations and local landscape.

In Marcus's career there was an opportunity to work at many well known restaurants and boutique hotels across the UK such as Le Manoir in Oxford or Lime Wood by Angela Hartnett-most loved chef and restaurateurs formerly worked under Gordon Ramsay at Aubergine.

Marcus's favorite, Rudloe Arms - Hotel in the Woods run by Marco Pierre White.

In any of these establishments Marcus didn't copy other chef's.

As a passionate chef Marcus gets guidelines, he learns from watching and also trying new techniques to make his own way of cooking. Then he practices his own recipes, improves, gets better and listens to your flavor palette. There are no limits to Marcus's culinary creations, taking flavors and textures into the next level.

Now by using Marcus's Private chef service his client's got a chance to taste Marcus's own unique food combination, flavors and creations. Providing his personal table service, explaining all the roots of each dish. Places like Rudloe Arms by Marco Pierre White and Le Manoir in Oxford, helped him hone his skills and take his self learned creativity to the next level.

Marcus builds every dish personally to ensure every component looks and tastes perfect for your intimate celebrations.

CookingArtPassion by Marcus, the independent Private Chefs who love to personally share his talents and 17 years of culinary experience with customers.

To become private chef committe him to supporting even more regional cuisines, supporting local food products and providing memorable dining experience & his personal service to his clients, sharing with them his Michelin star culinary adventures, his passion, knowledge and his unique skills.

Marcus & CookingArtPassion provides his client's with an amazing dining experience, with a distinctive and memorable meal. Offering his personal service and sharing his knowledge and skills on how to create quality & delicious dishes. For Marcus the customer’s dining experience and satisfaction matter most.

Be it corporate events, morning breakfast or brunch, relaxed Sunday roast, Christmas parties, simple family gatherings or any of the private parties, Marcus has done it all, tailoring to every guest’s minute needs. Chef Marcus believes the events need to be fun and generous as well as carefully planned and value driven. What motivates him is watching someone enjoy something that he has poured his soul into. No two clients are alike, Marcus truly understands that and loves to offer things unique to every party such as cooking one’s favourite dish to fine art or learning to cook a steak to different preferences.

Marcus work with the majority of the major hotels and restaurants within the region as a chef de cuisine and also offer his regular service's as a personal chef to his other regular customer's over in the Oxford and throughout South West of England. Marcus are proud to work regularly with some of the most highly respected Hospitality clients, with his passion and high end qualification he is supporting Hotels and restaurants up to 3 Rosette standard. He believes that ingredients should speak for themselves, he is focusing on texture and bold flavours, without over complicated presentation ''LESS IS MORE ''

Marcus's private dining menus comprises of a 2 , 3 or 4 course dinner; you can add a selection of canapés/appetizers to compliment your welcome drinks or you can add our delicious local cheese board to finish off the evening. This menu's can either be served individually plated or served to share for a more family style dining experience.

All his experiences contributed to Marcus developing his own unique cooking style and he is able to incorporate the knowledge of many different cuisines and techniques in the menus he curates. He works with some amazing suppliers across the UK- supporting local businesses and British farmers. His dishes use locally sourced, fresh ingredients for his dinner parties and cooking classes and he serves fresh artisanal bread throughout the service. He goes the extra mile to ensure the best service by providing on request bespoke recipe cards for the dishes enjoyed, and for clients to enjoy them in the future and providing fine serving plates that are best suited to the menu. He recommends trying his seasonal menus as they are designed keeping seasonal ingredients in mind, and he loves to infuse the seasonal menus with the freshest local produce one can get their hands on and really get creative with it. Any dietary requirements, Chef Marcus has it handled. With Chef Marcus as your chef for the day- you can simply never go wrong!

If you would like to choose his Party Cooking Classes he will bring the party to you, with his personal service to teach you how to make restaurant quality dishes, using fresh ingredients. When you book a Marcus's Private Chef Service, you will receive an unforgettable experience, as you learn to make your favourite meals that you can continue to serve to your family and friends for years to come.

You can be certain that you’re receiving the specialist care of expert in his field, no matter which of my private chef services you opt for.

Photo from Marius Cookingartpassion

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Mozliwosc rozwoju I ukazania talentu. Tworzyc niezapomniane dining experience dla moich klientow. Ktorzy maja mozliwosc degustacji moich potraw.

I learned to cook at...

Praca z Marco Pierre White w Rudloe Arms jak i z grupa Ramsay wClaridge's w Londonie otworzyly mozliwosci poznawania I tworzenia smakow jak I tekstur.

A cooking secret...

Znajomosc i zdolnosc rozpoznawania skladnikow. Gotowanie jest sztuka a kazda sztuka zklada sie ze zdolnosci I milosci ktora kreujemy.

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