Chef Angel Chinea

Chef At Home In Setagaya City
Chef Angel Chinea

Get to know me better

Passionate about the rich spanish cuisine,lover of the sea food,spezialing in octopus dishes.

I am a spanish cuisine lover,with 20 years of experience in many countries,great connoisseur of the best dishes of the spanish regional cuisine.Also the spanish wines has no secrets for me.I offer you a different meal,another concept about the cuisine of Spain has in Japan,homemade dishes,recipes of our grandmothers,that is the real spanish cuisine.Give me a chance and I will pleasantly surprise you.

Photo from Angel Chinea

More about me

For me, cooking is...

cooking for me was born as a hobby,today is still my hobby.

I learned to cook at...

i learned to cook at my 2 Grandmothers house,and in the house of my Mum.They where and are my 3 Master Chefs,my guides and mentors.

A cooking secret...

the secret for me in the kitchen is the time.

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