Chef Serena Fusco
Chef At Home In Carrara
I started cooking for my friends at my home because it made me happy.
Subsequently I transformed my passion into my job. I cooked for
restaurants with refined and traditional menus for some time.I became familiar with the craft and refined the technique by creating my own recipes and menu. Now I love cooking as a private chef for families and private events.

More about me
For me, cooking is...
Passion, joy and fun...but above all I like it when a customer is satisfied. It satisfies me even more.
I learned to cook at...
Initially self-taught but specializing at the "Da Erasmo" (LUCCA) and "Da Fiorella" restaurants in Luni (SP), Italy
A cooking secret...
Always add a special ingredient: the love of cooking, joy and fun. Each dish takes on a special flavour.
My menus
Capponmagro alla Ligure (Typical dish of Ligurian cuisine based on fish and vegetables)
Caprese whit anchovies (tomato, mozzarella , anchovies and basil salad)
Farinata(typical thin chickpea flour cake with rosemary)
Gratin mussels and anchovies
Marinated anchovies
Octopus salad whit potatoes and parsley
Tris of tipical focaccia
Lasagne al pesto con fagiolini e patate (Pesto lasagna with green beans and potatoes)
Pansotti Liguri al sugo di noci (Typical Ligurian ravioli filled with herbs and walnut sauce)
Spaghetti alle vongole ( spaghetti with clams)
Trofie whit pesto ,potatoes and green beans
Trofie pesto and shrimp
Anchovy and leek flan au gratin + vegetable side dish
Baccalà mantecato( creamed cod)
Orata gratinata su purè al basilico (sea bream au gratin on basil puree)
Stoccafisso alla Genovese ( Stockfish Genoese style)
Tortino di patate e polpo ( potato and octopus pie)
Cantucci and Vin Santo
Castagnaccio ( chestnut flour cake with dried grapes, pine nuts and rosemary)
Cheescake ai frutti di bosco (cheescake with red fresh fruits)
Pancake whit yogurt and red fruits
Pancake "tiramisu"
Tenerina al cioccolato ( chocolate cake)
Lemon sorbet
88Torta di riso
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Gratin mussels and anchovies
Marinated anchovies
Capponmagro alla Ligure (Typical dish of Ligurian cuisine based on fish and vegetables)
Octopus salad whit potatoes and parsley (GF)
Salmon tartare whit avocado
Salmon and rocket cheescake (GF)
Caprese whit anchovies (tomato, mozzarella , anchovies and basil salad)
Swordfish carpaccio with aubergine caviar
Thuna tartare with orange parfum
Fettuccine al nero di seppia con zafferano, scorze di limone e pinoli (Squid ink fettuccine with saffron, lemon peel and pine nuts)
Linguine with saffron, prawns and pistachio
Pasta pesto and shrimp
Risotto blu al curaçao al profumo di mare ( Blue curaçao risotto with sea parfum)
Raw seafood
Salmon and ricotta ravioli on pea cream and seared prawns
Seafood lasagne
Risotto gamberi e zucchine ( Shrimp and courgette risotto) (GF)
Spaghetti alle vongole ( spaghetti with clams)
Tagliolini cacio, pepe e cozze ( Tagliolini with cheese, pepper and mussels)
Anchovy and leek flan au gratin + vegetable side dish
Baccalà mantecato( creamed cod)
Filetto di orata all Isolana (Bream fillet in Isolana style)
Fish balls on pea cream + vegetable side dish
Orata gratinata su purè al basilico (sea bream au gratin on basil puree)
Seppie con piselli ( cuttlefish with peas)
Stoccafisso alla Genovese ( Stockfish Genoese style)
Thuna sliced tagliata whit salad
Fish balls on tomatoes sauce + vegetable side dish
Tortino di patate e polpo ( potato and octopus pie)
Zuppetta piccante di ceci e moscardini (spicy chickpea and octopus soup)
Cantucci and Vin Santo
Bavarian cake whit chocolate and coffee
Panna cotta whit fresh red fruits
Cheescake ai frutti di bosco (cheescake with red fresh fruits)
Cream ice cream with strawberries and chocolate
Lemon sorbet
Crostatine al cacao con panna e fragole
Tenerina al cioccolato ( chocolate cake)
Pancake whit yogurt and red fruits
Pancake "tiramisu"
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Anchovy and potato cake
Basket of parmesan with fresh salad,ham and buffalo mozzarella
Melon and ham
Crespella bundle with caponata heart and melted cheese
Crespelle bundle whit egg and parmesan cream
Swordfish carpaccio with aubergine caviar
Salmon tartare whit avocado
Thuna tartare with orange parfum
Spaghetti alle vongole ( spaghetti with clams)
Risotto blu al curaçao al profumo di mare ( Blue curaçao risotto with sea parfum)
Tagliolini cacio, pepe e cozze ( Tagliolini with cheese, pepper and mussels)
Calamarata pasta whit sea-ragu
Seafood lasagne
Pappardelle with wild boar ragout
Pansotti (typical herb ravioli) with walnut sauce
Beef fillet with green pepper served whit roasted vegetables
Cotolette di orata ai semi croccanti in purè di cavolfiore arrosto (Crispy seeded sea bream cutlets in roasted cauliflower puree)
Sliced beef whit porcini mushroom and cruncy parmesan
Thuna sliced tagliata whit salad and roasted vegetables
Peposo beef in Tuscany style
Sea bream fillet au gratin on basil puree
Limoncello panna cotta
Delizia al limone
Homemade Cantucci and Vin Santo
Bavarian cake chocolate and coffee
Cheescake whit Red fruits
Chocolate Panna cotta
Tenerina cake whit chocolate and raspberries
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Caprese (tomato, mozzarella and basil salad)
Carrot, orange and fresh ginger cold soup
Cold pea soup and Greek yogurt
Carpaccio beef ,Rocket and parmesan
Marinated anchovies
Gratin mussels and anchovies
Aubergine alla parmigiana
Mediterranean beef tartare (with tomatoes, capers and olives)
Mortadella and pistacchio cheescake
Lasagne al ragù bolognaise
Asparagus risotto whit local chees
Sardinian gnocchi with mussels and cherry tomatoes
Crespelle ricotta and spinaci gratin
Green lasagnette whit pumpkin, gorgonzola and pistachio
Meat ravioli whit ragù
Trofie( ligurian tipi al pasta) whit basil pesto
Anchovies and potatoes flan gratin
Chicken rolls served with roasted vegetables and seasonal salad
Fish balls on pea cream
Florentine tripe
Flan di taleggio con grissini di asparagi e pancetta ( Taleggio flan with asparagus and bacon sticks)
Chicken Pie and spinach cheese cream
Mustard chicken with vegetables
Stewed wild boar Whit polenta
Chocolate panna cotta whit crunchy waffle
Limoncello panna cotta
Bavarian cake chocolate and coffee
Cantucci and Vin Santo
Pistacchio panna cotta
Cheescake whit Red fruits
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Capponmagro alla Ligure (Typical dish of Ligurian cuisine based on fish and vegetables)
Caprese whit anchovies (tomato, mozzarella , anchovies and basil salad)
Farinata(typical thin chickpea flour cake with rosemary)
Gratin mussels and anchovies
Marinated anchovies
Octopus salad whit potatoes and parsley
Tris of tipical focaccia
Lasagne al pesto con fagiolini e patate (Pesto lasagna with green beans and potatoes)
Pansotti Liguri al sugo di noci (Typical Ligurian ravioli filled with herbs and walnut sauce)
Spaghetti alle vongole ( spaghetti with clams)
Trofie whit pesto ,potatoes and green beans
Trofie pesto and shrimp
Anchovy and leek flan au gratin + vegetable side dish
Baccalà mantecato( creamed cod)
Orata gratinata su purè al basilico (sea bream au gratin on basil puree)
Stoccafisso alla Genovese ( Stockfish Genoese style)
Tortino di patate e polpo ( potato and octopus pie)
Cantucci and Vin Santo
Castagnaccio ( chestnut flour cake with dried grapes, pine nuts and rosemary)
Cheescake ai frutti di bosco (cheescake with red fresh fruits)
Pancake whit yogurt and red fruits
Pancake "tiramisu"
Tenerina al cioccolato ( chocolate cake)
Lemon sorbet
88Torta di riso
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Gratin mussels and anchovies
Marinated anchovies
Capponmagro alla Ligure (Typical dish of Ligurian cuisine based on fish and vegetables)
Octopus salad whit potatoes and parsley (GF)
Salmon tartare whit avocado
Salmon and rocket cheescake (GF)
Caprese whit anchovies (tomato, mozzarella , anchovies and basil salad)
Swordfish carpaccio with aubergine caviar
Thuna tartare with orange parfum
Fettuccine al nero di seppia con zafferano, scorze di limone e pinoli (Squid ink fettuccine with saffron, lemon peel and pine nuts)
Linguine with saffron, prawns and pistachio
Pasta pesto and shrimp
Risotto blu al curaçao al profumo di mare ( Blue curaçao risotto with sea parfum)
Raw seafood
Salmon and ricotta ravioli on pea cream and seared prawns
Seafood lasagne
Risotto gamberi e zucchine ( Shrimp and courgette risotto) (GF)
Spaghetti alle vongole ( spaghetti with clams)
Tagliolini cacio, pepe e cozze ( Tagliolini with cheese, pepper and mussels)
Anchovy and leek flan au gratin + vegetable side dish
Baccalà mantecato( creamed cod)
Filetto di orata all Isolana (Bream fillet in Isolana style)
Fish balls on pea cream + vegetable side dish
Orata gratinata su purè al basilico (sea bream au gratin on basil puree)
Seppie con piselli ( cuttlefish with peas)
Stoccafisso alla Genovese ( Stockfish Genoese style)
Thuna sliced tagliata whit salad
Fish balls on tomatoes sauce + vegetable side dish
Tortino di patate e polpo ( potato and octopus pie)
Zuppetta piccante di ceci e moscardini (spicy chickpea and octopus soup)
Cantucci and Vin Santo
Bavarian cake whit chocolate and coffee
Panna cotta whit fresh red fruits
Cheescake ai frutti di bosco (cheescake with red fresh fruits)
Cream ice cream with strawberries and chocolate
Lemon sorbet
Crostatine al cacao con panna e fragole
Tenerina al cioccolato ( chocolate cake)
Pancake whit yogurt and red fruits
Pancake "tiramisu"
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Anchovy and potato cake
Basket of parmesan with fresh salad,ham and buffalo mozzarella
Melon and ham
Crespella bundle with caponata heart and melted cheese
Crespelle bundle whit egg and parmesan cream
Swordfish carpaccio with aubergine caviar
Salmon tartare whit avocado
Thuna tartare with orange parfum
Spaghetti alle vongole ( spaghetti with clams)
Risotto blu al curaçao al profumo di mare ( Blue curaçao risotto with sea parfum)
Tagliolini cacio, pepe e cozze ( Tagliolini with cheese, pepper and mussels)
Calamarata pasta whit sea-ragu
Seafood lasagne
Pappardelle with wild boar ragout
Pansotti (typical herb ravioli) with walnut sauce
Beef fillet with green pepper served whit roasted vegetables
Cotolette di orata ai semi croccanti in purè di cavolfiore arrosto (Crispy seeded sea bream cutlets in roasted cauliflower puree)
Sliced beef whit porcini mushroom and cruncy parmesan
Thuna sliced tagliata whit salad and roasted vegetables
Peposo beef in Tuscany style
Sea bream fillet au gratin on basil puree
Limoncello panna cotta
Delizia al limone
Homemade Cantucci and Vin Santo
Bavarian cake chocolate and coffee
Cheescake whit Red fruits
Chocolate Panna cotta
Tenerina cake whit chocolate and raspberries
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Caprese (tomato, mozzarella and basil salad)
Carrot, orange and fresh ginger cold soup
Cold pea soup and Greek yogurt
Carpaccio beef ,Rocket and parmesan
Marinated anchovies
Gratin mussels and anchovies
Aubergine alla parmigiana
Mediterranean beef tartare (with tomatoes, capers and olives)
Mortadella and pistacchio cheescake
Lasagne al ragù bolognaise
Asparagus risotto whit local chees
Sardinian gnocchi with mussels and cherry tomatoes
Crespelle ricotta and spinaci gratin
Green lasagnette whit pumpkin, gorgonzola and pistachio
Meat ravioli whit ragù
Trofie( ligurian tipi al pasta) whit basil pesto
Anchovies and potatoes flan gratin
Chicken rolls served with roasted vegetables and seasonal salad
Fish balls on pea cream
Florentine tripe
Flan di taleggio con grissini di asparagi e pancetta ( Taleggio flan with asparagus and bacon sticks)
Chicken Pie and spinach cheese cream
Mustard chicken with vegetables
Stewed wild boar Whit polenta
Chocolate panna cotta whit crunchy waffle
Limoncello panna cotta
Bavarian cake chocolate and coffee
Cantucci and Vin Santo
Pistacchio panna cotta
Cheescake whit Red fruits
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