Chef Emiliano Bonciani

Chef A Domicilio A Tigliole
Chef Emiliano Bonciani

Conoscimi meglio

I’m truly passionate about cooking. I love to spend time to search special ingredients and then trasform them into unforgettable dishes.

I’m a professional chef, with more of 8 years of experience. I’ve spent most of my career working in Michelin-starred restaurant, but the truth, for me, is that the most beautiful side of this work is to meet the people you are cooking for. It’s unforgettable to see someone smiling while eating my dishes. That’s the reason why i would like to become a private chef: meet new people and try to let them smile!

Foto di Emiliano Bonciani

Di più su di me

Per me la cucina è....

First of all for me cooking is curiosity about what you are using and its story. Cooking is also studying new techniques and find the way to use them.

Ho imparato a cucinare a...

I learned to cook by working in a lot of restaurants in Italy. I travel a lot since i was 20, and try to learn the best from the single places.

Un segreto in cucina...

The ingredient has to be carefully chosen. That’s the way i love doing my work. Select the ingredients and trasform them into stunning dishes.

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