Chef Pero Đangradović

Private Chef In Zadar
Chef Pero Đangradović

Get to know me better

"You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together."

I have experience in hospitality for 15years. Running my own restaurant for a 3 years where we are representing Croatian traditional food using different styles and techniques. Working with a great team I use to organise caterings and private dinners which I enjoy the most because I found it as a great way to share the energy and philosophy from the restaurant to a private table. To organising a private dinner as a chef I'm completely dedicated to my guests by giving them the best experience of Croatian culture trough my plates. Also, I'm always enjoying creating a wine list or wine paring cooperating with our sommelier. We are very passioned about natural wines and seasonal, organic ingredients which is always recognizable in our menus.

Photo from Pero Đangradović

More about me

For me, cooking is...

For me cooking is a way of representing our culture. Food was always very important part of our lives, as well spending time around table sharing it.

I learned to cook at...

I learned to cook from my family and trough my experience in the restaurant with a great chefs.

A cooking secret...

Secrets are not meant to be revealed :)

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