Private Chef Doris Vlah - Take a Chef

Chef Doris Vlah

Private Chef In Opatija
Chef Doris Vlah

Get to know me better

Happy chef that wants to make guests happy. I have a big love for cooking and i do all food with love and passion

Pozdrav! Ja sam strastveni, iskusni i uglavnom samouki kuhar s bogatim iskustvom u kulinarskom svijetu. Tijekom godina, usavršio sam svoje vještine kuhajući u prestižnim vilama i čak na luksuznoj jahti. Moje kulinarsko putovanje vodilo me prema prepoznavanju tradicionalnih jela s očaravajućim twistom, posebno inspiriranih mediteranskim područjem.

U mom repertoaru pronaći ćete veliku zbirku recepata koje sam prikupio tijekom svojih kulinarskih avantura. Posebno sam vješt u umijeću slastičarstva, gdje mogu pripremiti divne slatke delicije koje ostavljaju dugotrajan dojam.

Ponosan sam na svoje postignuće, budući da sam 2016. godine bio prepoznat kao superfinalist u uglednom natjecanju 321 cook. Nedavno sam imao čast sudjelovati kao natjecatelj u Masterchef Slovenija 2023, što je dodatno podiglo moje kulinarsko umijeće.,a u 2024 top 16 Masterchefu Hrvatska

Sa 58 godina, dolazim iz prekrasnog grada Opatija, što je svakako utjecalo na moju kreativnost i cijenjenje kvalitetnih sastojaka. Kao kuhar, ne samo da sam vješt, već me poznaju i po tome što sam komunikativan i visoko organiziran, osiguravajući da je svako jelo pažljivo pripremljeno do savršenstva.

Osim svojih kulinarskih talenata, višejezičan sam i tečno govorim talijanski, njemački i engleski, što me čini odličnim komunikatorom i omogućuje mi povezivanje s raznolikim publikama diljem svijeta.

Ukratko, moje kulinarsko putovanje je bilo iznimno i s nestrpljenjem se veselim nastavku istraživanja i oduševljavanju nepca svojim izvanrednim kreacijama.


Greetings! I am a passionate, seasoned, and largely self-taught chef with a wealth of experience in the culinary world. Over the years, I've honed my skills while cooking in prestigious villas and even aboard a luxurious superyacht. My culinary journey has led me to cherish traditional dishes with a delightful twist, particularly those inspired by the Mediterranean region.

In my repertoire, you'll find a vast collection of recipes that I've gathered throughout my culinary adventures. Notably, my prowess extends to the art of confectionery, where I can whip up delightful sweet treats that leave a lasting impression.

I take great pride in my achievements, having been recognized as a superfinalist in the esteemed 321 cook competition back in 2016. More recently, I had the honor of participating as a contestant in Masterchef Slovenia 2023,and Masterchef Croatia which further elevated my culinary expertise.

At 58 years young, I hail from the beautiful town of Opatija, which has undoubtedly influenced my creativity and appreciation for quality ingredients. As a chef, I am not only skilled but also known for being communicative and highly organized, ensuring every dish is meticulously prepared to perfection.

Aside from my culinary talents, I am multilingual, proficient in Italian, German, and English, making me an excellent communicator and allowing me to connect with diverse audiences from around the world.

In a nutshell, my culinary journey has been nothing short of remarkable, and I am eager to continue exploring and delighting taste buds with my extraordinary creations.

Photo from Doris Vlah

More about me

For me, cooking is...

strast, ljubav i najvece zadovoljstvo

I learned to cook at...

sama , a nadogradujem se kada god imam prilike

A cooking secret...

ljubav prema hrani, kombinacije neobicnog , tartufi

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