Chef Nikolas Nogler

Chef A Domicilio En San Miguel De Allende
Chef Nikolas Nogler

Conóceme mejor

I’m Nikolas an Italian Chef with gourmet experience in area as Antigua y Mediterranean. I love cooking and give a culinary experience to people

Im a professional chef with 8 years experience all around the world , Mediterranean area as Italia , Greece and Spain . Nord Europe and Carribean. I’m using best technique learn from gourmet restaurant and receipt coming with experience of Michelin chefs . Most important it’s realizing a good experience for my guest

Foto de Nikolas Nogler

Más sobre mí

Para mi la cocina es...

My passion and more it’s my life I can’t stay one day to don’t enter in a kitchen sound like its my happyplace

Aprendí a cocinar en...

Private school and then experience in restaurant around the world, one of this on the guide Michelin

Un secreto...

Choose the ingredients with accuracy and mixed with balance , most importantly it’s use the best way to cook for every dish

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Servicios Take a Chef en ciudades cercanas

Descubre ciudades cercanas a San Miguel De Allende en las que disfrutar de un servicio de Chef A Domicilio

  1. Take a Chef
  2. Chefs en México
  3. Nikolas Nogler
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