Private Chef in Normandía
Rent one of our 17 private chefs for a unique dining experience. You choose the menu, and the cleanup is included.

A personal chef for any occasion in Normandía
Since the first private chef joined Take a Chef in Normandía in May 2018, more than 17 Private Chefs have joined our platform in Normandía and offered their services as private chefs anywhere in Orne.
Starting in 2018, 4,143 guests have already enjoyed a chef in Normandía. To book your chef in Normandía, just share your event details in our form. Receive proposals from top chefs and chat with them until you find your match.
Up until today, our chefs have shared 886 customized menu proposals, sending a total of 3,851 messages to their guests, who rated their experience with an average score of 4.78 out of 5.
Since the first dinner provided by Take a Chef, 4,143 guests have enjoyed unique experiences with no hassle. Our guests in Normandía usually book menus around 82 EUR per person, including 4.51 courses, sharing an average of 3.79 messages with their chefs. If you've never had a chef at home but want to add an extra spice to your next celebration, just rent a chef in Normandía.

How it works
Personalize your request
Share with us the details of your dream meal, including type of cuisine, preferences, and intolerances.
Receive menu proposals
Our chefs will design menus based solely on your wants and needs.
Get chatty with your chefs
Don't be shy about exchanging some messages with your chefs until your perfect menu is ready!
Book your experience
Once you are happy with your choice, submit your payment to secure your experience.
All there is left to do is count down the days till your culinary experience begins!
17 Private Chefs in Normandía
Get to know more about our top rated Private Chefs in Normandía

More than 4,100 guests have already enjoyed the experience
4.69 Chef
The guests in Normandía have scored the experience with their Private Chef with a 4.69.
4.75 Food quality
The quality of the menus cooked by our Private Chefs in Normandía received an average score of 4.75.
4.75 Presentation
Not only taste counts! The presentation of our private chefs' dishes has received a 4.75 average score.
4.81 Cleaningness
The cleanup of the kitchen and dining area in Normandía has been scored with a 4.81 on average.
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886 menus personalized by our Private Chefs in Normandía
Every occasion is unique - make sure you have the right chef and menu for it!

Focaccia à la truffe, proscuitto cotto, fromage taleggio, oignons balsamiques et miel
Tartare de saumon affiné à la betterave, crème de raifort, salsa de framboises et citron confit
Crudo de saint-jacques à l'avocat et au poivron vert, vinaigrette de fruit de la passion, citron vert et baies roses
Mini bouchées de ciabatta avec burrata, mortadelle et pesto de pistache
Arancini au gorgonzola et à la courge musquée servis avec mayonnaise à la sauge
Bouchées de mozzarella et tomates cerises avec sauce au fenouil, miel et camomille
Raviolis aux homard, crème de baccala, raisin verte, ciboulette et huile de citron
Gnudi parmesan & ricotta sauce de céleri-rave, citron et lardons, poudre de cèpes
Calamars poêlés. au beurre de lardons caramélisés, sauce cioppino, fenouil mariné
Brasato al barolo à la toscane ( côtes levées de bœuf cuites lentement au vin rouge), crème de céleri-rave, salade de saison
Dorade grillée, sauce caponata, courgettes grésillées, tapenade grossière d'olives et tomates séchées
Osso bucco milanais (au veau) avec crémeuse polenta ou gremolata de l'ail, basilic et citron
Millefeuille à la hibiscus, framboise et chocolat blanc
Panna cotta au grec yaourt, miel et fraises
Entremet tiramisu au café et noisettes
Langoustine à la flamme, condiment bisque, basilic
Arancini au safran, mayonnaise à la n`duja, basilic
Brioche, tartare de boeuf aux anchois et parmesan
Carbonara d'encornets, guanciale, parmesan, oeufs de truite et basilic
Vitello tonnato (veau cuit à basse température) sauce fumée à l’anguille, câpres à queue, basilic
Burrata condimentée: écorces d'agrumes confites, basilic, noisettes torréfiées, huile d'olive et crème de balsamique
Linguine aux langoustines (à la flamme et en tartare), sauce crustacés, basilic et agrumes
Osso buco, condiment safrané, risotto parmesan et gremolata, kumquat
Côte de veau à la milanaise, roquette, parmesan, citron confit, pommes grenailles, condiment truffé
Tiramisu, la recette classique
Pannetonne italien façon pain perdu et glace vanille maison
Pavlova aux fruits rouges et à la cerise amarena, pistaches et basilic
Tartelette au butternut rôti, confiture de bacon, fromage frais, herbes et fleurs
Tartelette au raifort, haddock, raisin et vinaigre de cacao
Brioche au crabe et agrumes, nori grillée, cacahuète
Huître au yuzu et citron caviar
Gravlax de saumon au café et à l’orange, crème aux agrumes, œufs de truite et kumquats
Carbonara d'encornets, guanciale, parmesan, oeufs de truite et basilic
Cromesquis de cochon confit croustillant, condiment estragon, ail noir et betterave au chalumeau
Tartelette aux shitakés, espuma à la pomme de terre, jaune d'oeuf confit au soja, truffe et poudre de cèpes
Bar de ligne, sauce au yuzu kosho (condiment japonais au piment doux et yuzu), kumquat, sarrasin, cocos de paimpol et oeufs de truite
Poitrine de cochon croustillante, légumes du marché glacés, jus corsé infusé aux cèpes et salade de fenouil acidulé
Pressé d’agneau de 7 heures croustillant, déclinaison de légumes glacés, jus corsé, herbes fraîches
Lieu jaune cuit en brioche, farce à l'absinthe et aux herbes, beurre blanc à l'orange tarroco et pak choi
Ganache cacao, caramel d’olives noires au beurre salé, croustillant cacao-noisettes
Moelleux mandarine, mandarines marinées à l’huile d’olive et à la vanille, pollen et glace maison à la cardamome
Pavlova au kiwi et citron vert, meringue a l’aneth, pistaches et crème montée à la fève tonka
Cheesecake basque caramélisé, fleur de sel et écorces d’agrumes confites
Croissant crostini, pâté d'olives noires, champignons confits, pistaches, truffes d'été
Crudo de saint-jacques à l'avocat, sauce de fruit de la passion, citron vert et baies roses
Mini bouchées de ciabatta avec burrata, mortadelle et pesto de pistache
Bouchées de mozzarella et tomates cerises avec sauce au fenouil, miel et camomille
Tartare de saumon affiné à la betterave, crème de raifort, salsa de framboises et citron confit
Arancini au gorgonzola et à la courge musquée servis avec une mayonnaise à la sauge
Raviolis aux homard, crème de baccala, raisin verte, ciboulette et huile de citron
Focaccia aux poivrons rouges, lardo di colonnata, confiture de figues et sel de piment peperoncino
Gnudi parmesan & ricotta sauce de céleri-rave, citron et lardons, poudre de cèpes
Brasato al barolo à la toscane ( côtes levées de bœuf cuites lentement au vin rouge), crème de céleri-rave, salade de saison
Travers de porc mijotée au fenouil, crème d'aubergines fumées, patate douce fondante au l'aneth
Dorade grillée, sauce caponata, courgettes grésillées, tapenade grossière d'olives et tomates séchées
Millefeuille à la hibiscus, framboise et chocolat blanc
Pannacotta au fève de tonka et rhubarbe pochées
Entremet tiramisu au café et noisettes
Andalusian gaspacho with chips of sarrasin or serrano ham / gaspacho andalou avec tuile de sarrasin ou chips de jambon serrano
Briouats (brick pastry sheet with gambas, paprika, cumin and coriander) / briouats (feuilles de brick en samoussas, garniture crevettes, paprika, cumin et coriandre)
(vegetarian) candied ratatouille verrine with french fresh goat's cheese with curry / verrine de ratatouille confite au curry fromage frais fouetté
Gourmet quinoa, raisins infused with tea, tartare of tomatoes, fresh mint and white balsamic vinegar and hazelnut oil / quinoa gourmand au tartare de tomates anciennes, raisins secs infusés au thé, vinaigrette balsamique blanc, huile de noisette et menthe
"emincé" of fennel at citrus fruits with dices of salmon, at sesam seeds, spinash shoosts and "râpé" of radish at olive oil and sesam oil / emincé de fenouil mariné au jus d'agrumes, suprêmes d'agrumes, râpé de radis à l'huile de sésame, dés de saumon
Minestrone at vegetables / minestrone aux légumes
Risotto at mushrooms and chicken / risotto à la volaille et aux champignons
Cod filet at citrus crust and mousseline of sweet potatoes at coriander / dos de cabillaud en croûte d'agrumes avec mousseline de patates douces à la coriandre
Filet of chicken with basilic crust and écrasé of potaoes at rocket pesto / filet de volaille en croûte de basilic avec écrasé de pommes de terres au pesto de rocket
Pana cotta at red fruits / pana cotta aux fruits rouges
Coffe tiramisu / tiramisu au café
Dark chocolat fondant with gianduja and sauce caramel beurre salé and grué of cacao / fondant au choclat noir avec couer coulant gianduja et sauce caramel beurre salé et éclats de grué de cacao
Focaccia à la truffe, proscuitto cotto, fromage taleggio, oignons balsamiques et miel
Tartare de saumon affiné à la betterave, crème de raifort, salsa de framboises et citron confit
Crudo de saint-jacques à l'avocat et au poivron vert, vinaigrette de fruit de la passion, citron vert et baies roses
Arancini au gorgonzola et à la courge musquée servis avec mayonnaise à la sauge
Mini bouchées de ciabatta avec burrata, mortadelle et pesto de pistache
Bouchées de mozzarella et tomates cerises avec sauce au fenouil, miel et camomille
Raviolis aux homard, crème de baccala, raisin verte, ciboulette et huile de citron
Gnudi parmesan & ricotta sauce de céleri-rave, citron et lardons, poudre de cèpes
Calamars poêlés. au beurre de lardons caramélisés, sauce cioppino, fenouil mariné
Brasato al barolo à la toscane ( côtes levées de bœuf cuites lentement au vin rouge), crème de céleri-rave, salade de saison
Osso bucco milanais (au veau) avec crémeuse polenta ou gremolata de l'ail, basilic et citron
Dorade grillée, sauce caponata, courgettes grésillées, tapenade grossière d'olives et tomates séchées
Millefeuille à la hibiscus, framboise et chocolat blanc
Panna cotta au grec yaourt, miel et fraises
Entremet tiramisu au café et noisettes
Carbonara d'encornets, guanciale, parmesan, oeufs de truite et basilic
Gravlax de saumon à l’orange et au café, crème aux agrumes, kumquats, œufs de saumon et huile verte
Tartelette aux shitakés, espuma à la pomme de terre, jaune d'oeuf confit au soja, truffe et poudre de cèpes
Lieu jaune cuit en brioche, farce à l'absinthe et aux herbes, beurre blanc à l'orange tarroco et pak choi
Bar de ligne, sauce au yuzu kosho (condiment japonais au piment doux et yuzu), kumquat, sarrasin, cocos de paimpol et oeufs de truite
Rouget en papillon, sauce rouget façon bouillabaisse, polenta croustillante aux olives noires et au romarin
Ballottine de poulet fermier farcie aux shitakés, purée de panais, tempura de légume de saison et jus de volaille moutardé
Pressé d’agneau de 7 heures croustillant, déclinaison de légumes glacés, jus corsé, herbes fraîches
Magret de canard, purée de panais vanillée, pak choi et jus de volaille aux agrumes
Ganache cacao, caramel d’olives noires au beurre salé, croustillant cacao-noisettes
Moelleux mandarine, mandarines marinées à l’huile d’olive et à la vanille, pollen et glace maison à la cardamome
Lemon posset: crémeux citron, citron noir d’iran et citron caviar
Brochettes de mûres, mozzarella et estragon avec vinaigrette à la fleur de sureau
Panisse aux oignons caramélisés, ail noir et beaufort d'été
Pain perdu aux poivrons rouges, lard ibérique, confiture de figues
Crudo de saint-jacques à l'avocat, sauce de fruit de la passion, citron vert et baies roses
Toast brioché, salade russe aux crevettes, caviar de truite, jaune d'oeuf mariné
Tartare de saumon affiné à la betterave, crème de raifort, salsa de framboises et citron confit
Millefeuille de pommes de terre à la graisse de canard, foie gras, chutney d'oignons de roscoff, kumquats
Pain de pommes de terre, steak tartare, poireaux caramélisés, truffe d'été, comté affiné
Tarte tatin de fenouil, raisins et olives servie avec une mousse de chèvre et pistou pistache
Steak tournedos de bœuf, beurre poivre & moelle, asperges grillées, crème de pommes de terre
Bœuf wellington accompagné de champignons et d'épinards à la sauce bordelaise
Homard poché au beurre, crème de haricots blancs et safran, servie avec poireaux grillés et citron
Fromages - 3 fromages de la saison servis avec pain, confiture, fruits et noix
Dessert 1 - crème brûlée d'epoisses, baguette toastée râpée, sorbet pomme, ganache marron
Ou dessert 2 - pièce montée en choux de crème vanille & noisette
Ou dessert 3 - millefeuille au hibiscus et au framboise
Personalize your menu
A romantic dinner or a gathering of friends. Traditional dishes or exotic flavours. A fine dining experience or a family-style meal. Every private chef experience is unique! Submit your request and personalize yours.

Frequently asked questions
Below, you can find the most common questions about private chef services in Normandía.
What does a private chef service include in Normandía?
A private chef service includes everything necessary to enjoy a personalized dining experience at home. This includes:
- Customization of a menu based on your preferences;
- Purchase of ingredients;
- Mise en place (preparation of ingredients) before arrival;
- Preparation of the menu at your home;
- Complete table service;
- Set up and cleaning of the kitchen and used spaces.
Please note that tableware and glassware are not included. Gratuity is entirely at your discretion.
How much does a private chef cost in Normandía?
The price of renting a chef in Normandía can vary depending on the specifics, but smaller groups tend to have a slightly different price per person compared to larger gatherings.
Booking prices range from 70 EUR to 121 EUR. For groups of 13 people or more, the price is 70 EUR per person. For groups of 7 to 12 people, the cost is 70 EUR per person. For groups of 3 to 6 people, the rate is 96 EUR per person, and for 2 people, the price is 121 EUR per person.
Seasonal ingredients, your location, and how soon you book also affect the final price. If you're interested in getting free quotes with no obligation, fill out our form and let the best chefs near you send unique proposals for your event.
How can I hire a private chef in Normandía?
Booking is easy! Just tell us the date of your event, number of guests, dietary preferences and any allergies, and a few details about your kitchen. Within a few hours, you'll receive customized menus from qualified chefs. Each chef's profile will include their experience, reviews, and photos of their dishes.
Feel free to chat directly with the chefs through our platform. Ask them to modify menus, discuss pricing, or get answers to any questions you might have. Once you've found the perfect chef and menu, finalize your reservation online. We'll then provide the chef's contact information to confirm any final details.
How can I find a private chef near me?
There are currently 17 chefs available in Normandía. Fill out a form specifying your needs and the date. Take a Chef will connect you with the best available chefs in Normandía who will send you their menu proposals. You can then choose the chef and menu that suits you best.
Is there a maximum number of guests for a private chef service?
While there's no strict limit on guest count, private chef experiences are designed to create a more intimate atmosphere, perfect for gatherings of friends and family. Since most homes have limited space to accommodate large groups, parties typically don't exceed 15 people.
Does the chef cook at my house?
Yes, the chef always prepares the menu at your home for a more personalized experience. However, some prep work might be done beforehand for complex dishes.
Can I cook along with the chef?
Absolutely! Many guests are passionate about food and relish the chance to learn from the chef. You can pick up new kitchen skills and get a behind-the-scenes look at each dish on the menu. Feel free to jump in and cook alongside the chef for a truly interactive experience!
Are the ingredients fresh?
Yes, they're 100% fresh. Unlike restaurants with pre-made dishes, private chefs prioritize using the freshest ingredients possible. This is because the chef creates a customized menu specifically for you, then goes out and sources the finest ingredients to bring your chosen dishes to life.
Are drinks included in the personal chef service?
Drinks are not typically included, but you can discuss adding them to the menu proposal with the chef.
How much should I tip my private chef in Normandía?
Tipping for private chefs is entirely at your discretion. Our goal is for you to have an unforgettable experience, and the chef always appreciates a nice tip. However, the decision and amount are completely up to you.
Key information about our chefs in Normandía
Discover more details about our private chefs and their services.
The average age of our private chefs in Normandía
Percentage of our women chefs in Normandía.
The average wait time from submitting the request and receiving the first menu.
Our very first private chef service in Normandía.
Percentage of services with kids in Normandía.
Maximum number of bookings for a personal chef by a single client in Normandía.
Increase in the number of bookings for a chef from last year in Normandía.
Languages spoken by our personal chefs in Normandía.
Percentage of guests that hired a chef more than once.
Average number of days booked for multiple services at home with a private chef.
Photos uploaded to the platform by our private chefs in Normandía.
Average timeframe from sending the request to booking.
How many chef services are booked in Normandía each month?
Private chef reservations can vary seasonally depending on the destination. In Normandía, for example, demand often increases during special dates like Valentine's Day or Mother's Day, so it's best to book in advance.
If you're wondering about the best time to hire a chef, any month is perfect for enjoying a private chef. Just keep in mind that prices may vary, especially for last-minute bookings. So, don't wait—book your chef early to secure your unique dining experience in Normandía.
Cost of a private chef in Normandía
The cost of hiring a private chef in Normandía can vary based on several factors, including the number of people in your group or seasonality. Larger groups tend to have a different average rate per person compared to smaller groups that hire a chef:
Booking prices range from 70 EUR to 121 EUR per person.
For 13 people or more: 70 EUR
For 7 to 12 people: 70 EUR
For 3 to 6 people: 96 EUR
For 2 people: 121 EUR.
Additionally, prices can fluctuate depending on the time of year, location, and how soon you book your personal chef. If you want to get free quotes, just fill out our form and receive tailored proposals for your event. No committment at all.
What is the most reserved type of cuisine in Normandía?
We mainly offer six types of cuisine in Normandía: Mediterranean, Italian, French, Japanese, Mexican, and surprise. The type of cuisine with the highest number of bookings is the French, but you can have anything you want (our surprise menu will cover that!).
Beyond these six types of cuisine, our private chefs personalize diverse menus for their clients every day, adjusting every detail to find the perfect menu for every occasion and every group. Our private chefs can accommodate any allergy or dietary restriction and suggest other cuisines or fusion dishes. Submit your request and hire a chef in Normandía!

Enjoy a Private Chef in Laguna California
Enjoy a unique dining experience with a Private Chef service from the comfort of your own home. Let Take a Chef turn your kitchen into one of the city’s top restaurants with one crucial difference: the entire event is designed around you. Tell us your culinary cravings and our chefs will send you menu proposals tailored to your tastes. All you have to do is choose your favorite one. Your chosen chef will buy fresh, local ingredients on the day of the service and cook directly in your kitchen. They will of course provide table service during the meal and more, they will clean everything up before they leave. Simply click below to get started!

St Anton’s best Private Chefs come to your home
Our Private Chefs have trained in some of the best hospitality schools in the world and many have worked in Michelin Star restaurants. We can find the perfect fit for your special occasion. All you have to do is let us know the type of cuisine you’d like to enjoy, and we’ll find the right chef for you. You’ll be able to talk to the chef directly to make sure that every detail is exactly how you would like it!

Fancy trying something new in Amalfi Coast? We have the perfect idea!
Turn your house into a top restaurant. The experience begins when you request a menu from Take a Chef. Our Chefs will send you their proposals and customize the menu and service according to your preferences. On the day of the event, the Chef will buy the ingredients, cook them at your house, serve the meal and leave everything spotless - so you don’t have to worry about anything!

Talk to our chefs in Normandía
Each of our chefs is one-of-a-kind, with professional culinary training and years of experience in diverse restaurants. Craving Italian pasta, Spanish paella, or traditional sushi in Normandía? You’ll get it. Tell us about your event in Normandía, and discover the best chefs who will customize every detail of your experience.

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