Chef Vanessa Ponet

Personal Chef In Fréjus
Chef Vanessa Ponet

Get to know me better

Je suis fière du patrimoine culinaire de mon pays, et c est un plaisir de le faire découvrir

I work in high school, i think that even if it s the collective catering, every thing is in the motivation and organization, with my team we try to make discover new flavours to teenagers, we cook with fresh foods and fresh vegetables, and we try to work with the local producers and regional products.

I find my strength through the harmony of my team, i think that with respect and listening we get the best of each, so that member of team can to express his creativity, it s sharing of knowledge.

Photo from Vanessa Ponet

More about me

For me, cooking is...

avec passion et le plaisir de partager

I learned to cook at...

En premier temps, en observant ma maman, après au lycée hôtelier et par la suite dans les différents établissements ou j'ai travaillé ,

A cooking secret...

la passion , la subtilité, j adore les épices mais pas trop de mélanges de saveurs, car j estime que ça dénature les plats ,

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  3. Vanessa Ponet
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