Chef Anna Weir

Chef At Home In Les Lilas
Chef Anna Weir

Get to know me better

I love to cook beautiful food that is relaxed, simple and playful.

I am a 33 year old New Zealand born chef with over 10 years experience in Italian, greek, French and Japanese restaurants.

I have worked in and opened restaurants for the last 10 years in New Zealand and recently moved to France to further my courier. Having worked at Ze Kitchen Galerie, Vesper and a number of pop ups most recently Les Residents.

I have enjoyed exploring new flavours of Europe.

I have had the luxury of always being surrounded by great food. Growing up on a farm in Gore meant that we ate off the land in a simple, humble, and sustainable way. This flows through to my philosophy now of knowing and understanding the provenance of all the food I use in my cooking.

Photo from Anna Weir

More about me

For me, cooking is...

Cooking is my passion, the mediative nature of cooking something delicious and nourishing for friends, family and clients is a joy.

I learned to cook at...

I learned to cook whilst on the job in New Zealand from the age of 19.

A cooking secret...

Respecting and utilising the most seasonal and sustainable products available.

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